19 january born astrology

Mars enters Aries
  1. January 19 Birthday Astrology
  2. Mercury enters Capricorn
  3. Lucky color
  4. January 19th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
Capricorn Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality

You are generally gifted with strong imagination and often make excellent artists, writer, composer or even musician. Although of a deeply affectionate disposition, you are seldom demonstrative and you are wrongly considered as cold and unemotional.

You often make excellent in physics and you usually have a yearning for the mysterious. You will be very successful in building up enterprises and business, but you may, however, just as easily go in for some professional life or take some public or political career.

January 19 Birthday Astrology

You will able to make such good numbers of friend through-out your life and it exists near about your whole life. Those who are born in the month of January, December, May, June, and August, will be the closest friend to you.

But be selective while you are choosing your friends. You will get some solid and best friends. The people who are born during these days, they will have the severe tendency of acidity, indigestion, pain in feet.


Instead of that you will have a great vitality. You have a tendency to get cold very early and you will suffer a lot for this. This also leads you a severe breathing problem.

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Before taking any kind of medicine, you must get a wide regarding that medicine because there have a chance that you will suffer due to unnecessary and wrong intake of medicine. If you want to avoid these kinds of problems, you may stay in such places with dry climate.

Mercury enters Capricorn

The most favourable colours for you are any shade of grey, all types of violet, purple and even black.

To increase your personality and magnetic vibrations you can use all shades of gold or yellow. Even you can wear bronze or golden brown while you are going for interview or any important works.

It will bring you good luck. The all shades of sapphire blue, any shades of pastel colours and even grey are lucky for the romantic couples. You will prosper a lot in the field of business and even industrial fields.

So you can invest youre a proportion of money in the above respective fields.

Lucky color

It will return you a huge amount of money which will make your financial condition to a high level. You will able to flourish your career to a long extent if you will attach with the public sectors. Your magnetic influence on others gives you a better success at your financial condition.

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  • At the same time you may put your leg in the scandals and calumny situations if you are hankering after money and fame. You may start your career in the field of business. You will achieve your dictator quality in the private sectors with your distinctive quality.

    Those, who are born during these above days, are also favourable for their students career. The students will able to achieve their perspective goals.

    January 19th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

    They depend upon the advice of those close to them and are likely to return the favor. They need to feel they control any romantic relationship, possibly because of abandonment in childhood or an earlier romantic relationship that went awry.

    The childhood of January 19 people is often complicated by family relationship problems. Instead of trying to work things out, feelings of alienation and misunderstanding can cause them to stop trying to get along with family members. They make good parents because they combine sensitivity with common sense.

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    • People born on this date manage their health well -- if they feel in control. This explains why they must often make changes in their thinking before they can take care of their physical well-being.

      It's wise to immerse themselves in positive image reinforcement. People born on this date have many talents, including artistic and creative abilities that may not have been discovered until adulthood. It often takes early success to give them the self-confidence to meet challenges.

      They have a talent for numbers but may not feel confident handling finances.