Capricorn monkey compatibility

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  3. Capricorn Monkey Woman

Sometimes he bends the stick, trying to get people to achieve the ideal result. These people know how to make a good impression: Monkey-Capricorns are always in a good mood, cheerful and charming. True, their benevolent attitude still does not mean anything. They are simply well-bred and too smart to spoil relations with their fans. On a love horoscope, Capricorn-Monkey is a frivolous person, does not seek a serious relationship.

Famous for his changeable temper, careful in choosing a partner. Having married, Capricorn-Monkey tries to become a good family man. But he is greedy for new sensations and impressions, he is not indifferent to the opposite sex, he is capable of making a novel on the side.

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Be happy with a partner who has an easy, non-touching character. The family life of Capricorn-Monkey is rather complicated, there is room for everything: Undoubtedly one thing remains: According to the combined horoscope of Capricorn-Monkey — careerists, for them there is nothing sweeter than success.

They strive to achieve great heights in the profession. They crave universal recognition, they firmly believe in their abilities. Capricorn-Monkeys are distinguished by diligence, dedication and innovative thinking.

Even their impulsiveness has a positive effect on the final result of the work. Do not be afraid of bold experiments, the first to apply new technologies. They easily establish the necessary connections, they are able to organize the work process. Agile, inventive Capricorn-Monkeys can not perform long, monotonous actions.

Choose a profession associated with communication and frequent travel.

Capricorn Monkey Traits

They like to be in the midst of events, and not spend their lives in a close study alone. Many of Capricorn-Monkeys are talented artists, art historians and designers.

Each is attracted to the prospect of an intellectual challenge, though how they go about resolving it differs in case of each sign. It might take a while for this couple to consummate their love because of the fastidious nature of the Rooster. The Monkey on the other hand will bring spunk and verve into the experience, keeping it from getting monotonous which could have been highly probable had the Rooster man been paired up with another practical sign like the Ox perhaps.

When the two come together in a relationship of trust and understanding, each is capable of supporting the other in a complementary manner.

Capricorn Monkey Personality Traits | Capricorn Life - Capricorns Rock!

On the other hand the consistent Rooster will ensure that the plans and concepts of the Monkey are translated into real projects with material goals and encourage the Monkey to stick to their course in the long run. This way each can offer inspiration and substance to the other and thus come together in a relationship to create a complete whole.

Challenges of a Monkey-Rooster love match However in order to make the relationship long lasting, both will need to find ways to have a social life that suits the other. Monkeys are on the other hand extroverts who virtually thrive on social and intellectual exchanges.

This is automatic and unnoticeable, and they are often rather good at controlling this.

Careful planning helps the Capricorn Monkey personality to be very skilled in most tasks, and they are especially competent with their hands. Their dexterity from the Monkey's presence enables them to be capable of the most intricate and complicated of tasks.

They are inclined to seek out jobs that will make use of this skill. These people become bored quickly and welcome work that has a purpose and lots of variety. The Capricorn Monkey is hardworking and diligent, but he or she will always find time for their close family and friends.

These particular Capricorns are usually quite family-oriented and tend to not live far away from their parents and any siblings.

They will work hard to build comfortable bases around those they love. Although more sociable than most Capricorns, these individuals do like their privacy. A Capricorn Monkey considers their home to be their retreat from the fast pace of modern-day life. So, they generally enjoy making it as comfy as possible.

Capricorn Monkey Woman

They are quite modern in their tastes, preferring bright, cheerful decor and practical but comfortable furniture. Capricorn Monkeys display the same degree of competence in personal relationships as they do with everything else in life. They prioritize them highly and take them seriously, and will be devoted and emotionally supportive of partners.

Within long-term relationships is where a Capricorn Monkey relaxes best, and his or her sense of humor may emerge. They find that many of the simple things in a couple's daily routines are humorous.

These characters also love sharing and can be extremely close and intimately involved with their other halves. They expect the same devotion from partners as they give.

Aiming for too high a standard and expecting too much can be the weak spot in the Capricorn Monkey personality.