February 20 horoscope symbol

Personality and character
  1. February 20 horoscope
  2. February 20 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality
  3. GotoHoroscope

You can easily become an emotional doormat. You often find yourself hanging on to relationships that you have no business hanging on to. Believe it or not, there are many toxic people on earth.

Believe it or not, there are many people who repay kindness and gentleness with abuse and ridicule. Water is the paired element of Pisces. This applies across the board. As far as February 20 people are concerned, the specific aspect of water that is most relevant to them is the continues flow of water. You draw your gentleness and kindness from your emotions.

The interesting thing about you though is that even if you are feeling negative emotions, you find it within you to express or respond to that emotion in a positive way.

For example, if people are mean to you, you respond with the need to understand them. If people are pushing you around, you respond with the need to heal them. You have a lot of love, compassion, and empathy to give. This planet is not just connected with dreams and fantasies, but also with music.

February 20 horoscope

You also bring a lot of imagination to your friendships and relationships. Unfortunately, you often let your imagination and ideals get the better of you and you end up in an abusive relationship. You have to remember that we live in a fallen and imperfect world.

Birthday February 23rd Horoscope Personality Zodiac Sign Pisces Astrology

Green is a very nurturing color. This is the color of growth and hope. You are able to keep giving repeatedly, as you nurture people around you. You have that ability to try to heal and reconcile people. Keep in mind, however, that you only deal with people who deserve it.

Otherwise, you might end up getting hurt. These natives should realize that life is not a dream world, seriously.

February 20 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality

There are lots of messed up people out there that you should keep an arms length. This is not as easy as it sounds. Username or Email Address. Contents What is your Zodiac Sign if you were born on February 20?

  1. january aries horoscope 2019.
  2. February 20 Zodiac!
  3. Love compatibility.
  4. 21 february birthdays horoscope.
  5. February 20 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality.

Negative traits of the February 20 Zodiac: Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Your password reset link appears to be invalid or expired. Try to devote at least one day a week to something you really want: Ensure it makes you feel good; the better you feel, the greater your chances of attracting luck.

People born on February 20 Zodiac are often thoughtful and receptive personalities, with the ability to immediately tune into the moods of those around them, adjusting their reactions instantly. Highly ambitious, they are sure to stand out in their career, at home, or on the social scene.

People with a February 20 Zodiac birthday have a great deal of compassion, instinctively dealing with anyone—whatever their background or social status—with great understanding and warmth.

Sabian Symbol

In some cases they can become over-sensitive and impressionable, unable to separate their own emotions from the emotions of other people. This is because they identify so much with the viewpoint of others that they risk losing their own perspective in the process.

It is vitally important for them to learn to protect themselves from over-identification.

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  • Before the age of thirty, this tendency to merge completely with other people is emphasized, but after the age of thirty they become more assertive, confident and self-protective. There is a danger when people born on this day do become more aware and confident of their ability to instinctively relate to others that they can misuse it.

    It is important therefore for them to learn not to compromise themselves or take advantage of others in the single-minded pursuit of their goals.


    Those people born on this day who remain true to their principles and who learn to make their receptivity work for and not against them have remarkable potential to make a difference and to be highly valued by others. People born on February 20 Zodiac can be extremely sensitive when it comes to affairs of the heart and they need to find a partner who understands this.

    Every detail is important to them and a missed phone call or a few misplaced words can send them into a downward spiral.

    When they do fall in love they make understanding and passionate lovers.