Ajay kumar sharma astrologer

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  3. Dr. Ajay Sharma
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  5. Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma

He appeared regularly on D. News Channel , from Monday to Friday at 8: He is also providing services to Hindustan Times subscribers, answering their queries, in HT Live in Delhi and its surrounding areas. Chief Minister of Punjab Capt. Amarinder Singh invited Dr. Sharma to seek his blessings on 27th Feb before taking the oath on the auspicious occasion of oath ceremony.

Sharma was rated one of the top astrologers in the world by www. J Abdul Kalam former President of India. Ajay Sharma had seen 1. Of India Trust Excellent services given by guruji and very humble person. He explains each and everything in detail.

Consultant Registration

His predictions was very accurate. Truly he is a wonderful person I would like to recommend him all my friends My husband was employed for 10 years in a company of medium size. He wanted to be employed in a much bigger company in a city.

When he got a new job in an MNC in Chennai, he was overjoyed. Your lucky phase endures. April An almost ideal scenario for you this month, Cancerians.

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Hopes and dreams come true, your ambition and focus are both exemplary. You are scoring hugely in the game of life. May Delays and snaga will hit you, all of a sudden. June Several different perhaps even contradictory trends keep you busy though a little tense. Tou trn to religion, prayer, pilgrimages, rights, even dharma and karma.

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  8. Losses and expenses have to be dealt with. July Good times come, bringing both relief and joy. Your happiness quotient climbs and you are both content and excited with it all.

    All after all, your birth month in progress. August Finances will be rocking. Money flows in much more easily and you are comfortable and — lucky with it. Investments, buying and selling bring gains. September Your luck holds, but in spheres other than finance. You are full of purpose, vigour, and successful with it!

    October Your focus and priorities will now be home and domestic issues and concerns, for sure. Older relatives, extended family, in-laws and kin take up your attention, time and even financial resources. So do renovation, decoration, makeovers st home and in the workplace. November You have a zest for life, a high tolerance level for the demands on you.

    It makes you cope marvelously with changes, vicissitudes children give joy and inspiration. December You have a lot going for you, but still much to do. Loans and funds, your profession and even your health could all demanding. Pets and projects will need attention but do prosper as a result. A hectic end to a busy year.

    In career, business and all work affairs there will be an outstanding success. Finally, I must admit that Saturn could bring about delays and disappointments but Saturn will be in a fine position with Neptune.

    Therefore, believe in your dreams. What is my final say in the matter? Virgo - Aug 24 to Sep 23 Ganesha says, it is absolutely clear that the overall emphasis will be money this year. In money we include inheritance, joint- finance, funds, loans, debts, taxes, and so on This will be the major trend o the year but it will be more so from January 3 to June 3 From June 4 to June you will expand your mental vision and horizon.

    Journey, evolution, education, success, in undertakings, parental property and creativity will be highlighted.

    Top 10 Astrologers in India

    Lastly Saturn will play hide and seek with you. At times, you will be happy at other times full of sorrow. You may have problems health with the stomach, ear, eye, jaw, mouth and throat. This is not the time to spend in haste.

    There is a possibility of being cheated and happy. Jupiter is your saviour and Jupiter means good luck. Libra - Sep 24 to Oct 23 Your Ganesha devotee has stressed the relationship factor a great deal.

    Dr. Ajay Sharma

    It will be very much in evidence, and very specially, between January 3, and June 3,, but the trend will continue for the whole year. The second trend of finance, tantra-mantra, court cases, new beginnings will gather force and momentum from June 4, to June 11, Joint finances and loans will be the special features.

    Lastly as Saturn is in your sun sing by Western astrology, there will be ready for it. Please remember the words of Sathya Sai Baba: If you work for it and if you have faith in God, you will have harmony and progress. Scorpio - Oct 24 to Nov 22 Your Ganesha devotee has stressed the relationship factor a great deal.

    Sagittarius - Nov 23 to Dec 21 Health and wealth, romance and adventure , attachments and separationsare the milestones on the highway of Finally Saturn will help you in solidifying and making secure your income and gains.

    But Saturn will also be responsible for losses and separations from your dear ones. I mean there is a possibility of it. Nobody can have everything in life. But the broad picture is extremely pleasant and profitable. Capricorn - Dec 22 to Jan 20 Home, house, renovation, decoration, office, shop, property are strongly emphasized for the first six months of the year.

    The next six months of this of this year and first six months of matters of the heart, children, hobbies, amusement, will be the main theme, the central idea.

    List of Top ten 10 Astrologers in India(印度那

    Both the trends will certainly overlap each other. Lastly, Saturn will be in or remain in your 10th angle of achievement till October 5, You will achieve much. You can be a big shot. But give others their space, freedom. If you are completely bossy and pushy, you will finally fall. Remember, others are also human beings and have a right to justice and happiness.

    Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma

    Aqarius - Jan 21 to Feb 18 is very definitely for communicating and expressing at all levels, namely mental, physical, spiritual. Aquarians are good at technology, computers and will find them at their brilliant best.

    From June 4, to June 11, anything to do with land, building and construction, buying and selling, renovation and decoration, parents and in-laws, shop and office, house and home will be of great paramount importance.

    Finally Saturn in your 9th angle will help you in research, journeys, collaborations, housemoving and evolution.

    Ajay Kumar Menon - Astrologer@UrbanClap

    In other worlds, by October 5, you should succeed mightily. Ganesha says, this is your destiny. Journeys and communication at all levels will make you vibrant and efficient.

    But I must point that Saturn could bestow bad health and financial problems. However, if we take everything into consideration you will have an exciting and adventurous year.