Rob brezsny astrology sagittarius

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  4. Free Will Astrology: Dec 13-20

PART 3 Not every minute of every day, but when you have had the time, you've been searching for a certain treasure. With patience and persistence, you have narrowed down its whereabouts by collecting clues and following your intuition.

Now, at last, you know its exact location. As you arrive, ready to claim it, you tremble with anticipation. But when you peel away the secrets in which it has been wrapped, you see that it's not exactly what you expected.

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Your first response is disappointment. Nevertheless, you decide to abide in the presence of the confusing blessing and see what happens. Slowly, incrementally, you become aware of a new possibility: Rob Brezsny - Android horoscope app.

Rob Brezsny - iOS horoscope app.

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The affinity game for couples. LEO July 23—Aug In , a year-old British mother named Constance Garnett decided she would study the Russian language and become a translator. During the next 40 years, she produced English translations of 71 Russian literary books, including works by Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, and Chekhov.

Many had never before been rendered in English. I see as a Constance Garnett—type year for you, Leo.

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Any late-blooming potential you might possess could enter a period of rapid maturation. Awash in enthusiasm and ambition, you'll have the power to launch a new phase of development that could animate and motivate you for a long time.

I'll be bold and predict that will be a nurturing chapter in your story, a time when you will feel loved and supported to a greater degree than usual, a phase when you will be more at home in your body and more at peace with your fate than you have in a long time.

I have chosen an appropriate blessing to bestow upon you, written by the poet Claire Wahmanholm.

Free Will Astrology: Dec 13-20

Speak her words as if they were your own. Now I'm offering it to you as one of your important themes in Here's how you can best take it to heart. First, be extremely discerning about what ideas, theories, and opinions you allow to flow into your imagination.

Make sure they're based on objective facts and make sure they're good for you. Second, be aggressive about purging old ideas, theories, and opinions from your head, especially if they're outmoded, unfounded, or toxic.

Memorize this quote by author Peter Newton and keep it close to your awareness during the coming months: Just the alertness of being. This one is by author A.

Until , most American women didn't have the right to vote. For that matter, few had ever been candidates for public office. In , Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the first woman to seek a seat in Congress.

At home with Rob Brezsny

In , Victoria Woodhull ran for president. Susanna Salter became the first woman mayor in According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Sagittarius, will be a Stanton-Woodhull-Salter type of year for you.