27 february horoscope pisces

Pisces Daily Horoscope
  1. Love and Compatibility for February 27 Zodiac
  2. Mercury enters Capricorn
  3. February 27 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  4. Today's Pisces Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018
  5. Birthday Horoscope February 27th Pisces, Persanal Horoscope for Birthdate February

What your birthday says about you is that your drive to succeed in life is strong and so is your self-confidence when it comes to your career. You can be pretty much whatever you desire. Your birthday personality shows that you are talented in areas of communicating and organizing. You take money matters very seriously and would do well in those areas of accounting or consulting.

The birthday meaning for February 27 is that the gifted Piscean will have a passion and understanding for humanitarian efforts. Those born on this day would do well in professions such as teaching or advertising.

Love and Compatibility for February 27 Zodiac

You could even invent your job description and title as you can do many jobs in the lines of communicating. As a journalist, you could write noteworthy news articles.

Similarly, you could also write for musical talents and could hear your songs played on the radio one day. February 27 birthday Pisces , your intuition, and imagination fulfill your basic need to escape mentally. More often than not, you are quite comfortable being in your space and time.

This tends to take a few burdens off your shoulders and lifts your spirits. Otherwise, you may find yourself, Pisces, on a road trip perhaps by way of the train.


Just the ride alone could clear some cobwebs and make room for discoveries. Another idea is a trip to the amusement park. Those born on this day love to explore and see things that are unusual. You have a hard time with limitations being placed on you.

Pisces, your passionate, charming, dreamy qualities give you a break you need to stay in touch with your romantic nature. You put much effort into wooing a person that you could be setting yourself up for an emotional low.

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  • Pisces Horoscope - Love for February 27, .

Those of you who with birthday February 27 , look for a more realistic approach to romance than spoiling your date with outlandish rendezvous.

January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 If today February 27 is your birthday , you are compassionate, charming and somewhat submissive.

You do well in areas of writing and communicating. It would seem that your goal in life is to better others, but somehow, you leave yourself out of the equation.

You often escape by daydreaming or by eating. Famous Birthdays For This Day.

Your ruling planet is Neptune that represents dreams, wisdom, and spirituality. This card symbolizes the need to be vigilant in your actions and to be careful before trusting others. This can be a very romantic and loving couple. This is a good match if you can deal with the problems.

Mercury enters Capricorn

Number 2 — This is the number of intuition, diplomacy, feelings, and cooperation. Number 9 — This is a number that signifies unconditional giving, helping others selflessly and being artistic. This is a crisp and refreshing color that symbolizes energy, wisdom, sophistication, and intuition.

This is a color of action, passion, determination, and aggression. February Horoscope Pisces. I am also a twin. My brother and I are very much alike but completely opposite at the same time. I've had good times and suffered really bad times but have always focused on my career. Began to upholster at 18 I'm 51 now and I'm a master craftsman. I recommend you try it.

You won't feel like it's a job.

February 27 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

You will actually enjoy it but the best part is you will even get paid for having fun. Never give up or stray away from upholstering. It will reward you I promise. You never know where it will lead you. I recently was contacted by Louis Vuitton. They want to hire me for the new USA Manufacturing plant. If I can get my dream job so can you.

No drugs,no getting wasted , no wom Cant help loving them all. But I always find a way to bounce back up from the fall. I don't care what date your birthday falls on we all are humans who deal with shit in this life time. Non of us are perfect and we have things to work on with ourselves each day. Birthdates don't define you or your personality.

You yourself define yourself. I know someone who was born on the same days as myself and we are completely opposite from one another.

  • Birthday Horoscope February 27th.
  • Pisces Horoscope For Friday, December 28, .
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Live each day to your fullest potential, learn from your mistakes and never take yourself for granted because you are your greatest asset. You can be a Leo and still have a hard life good day people. Oliver sanga And studying mechanical engineer.

All these im saying is because of my birht name,i have good thought and believe that one day im gonna be some one to be known?

This thought give me strength and lead me to my way. Filthy Rich Every chicken you eat has been plucked by my finger. So I say to all you losers, get off your arse and invent a better chicken plucker than mine and you too will be filthy rich.

If I can do it so can you, oh I forgot to mention! Health conditions absolutely match according to the analysis. We all make a change for the better because no one can do it for u but yourself you are the master of your destiney so do the right thing Each and everyone oBf us are born with different personalities and you can choose how want to be accepted in this world.

I helped my husband and we are married for 33yrs. Orabell Does Very true about me. Was born on this day My b'day is also on 27th Feb. But I am actually a practical strict person. Not sympathetic but yes empathetic You're all dead soul victims, quit complaining about your life- you created it. Birthdates have nothing to do with your happiness and your ability to create.

We are all creators. Creators cannot be victims, victims cannot be creators. Life has always been hard for me. It's like everything just lined up to screw me over. But I was patient even though it sucked and was really hard and now I'm into my second year with my partner, he's lovely and everything he brings into my life makes all of the past insignificant in comparison.

It does get better people! I am Blessed with the best. I am a Lady. The strengths and weakness part where it says - The primary personality weakness for those born on February 27th is your likelihood to be every now and then oversensitive in your handling of certain situations that may upset you.

This is right on the money nd totally screwed me with the family of my deceased partner.

Today's Pisces Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018

I was born Feb 27 and I am great. Did deep in to your inner strength and make yourself ok. Get off the pity pot. John H The reading rings pretty true and hopefully you are all ok.

I am, very happy with an incandescent Saggie girl who lit up my soul 20 years ago.

Birthday Horoscope February 27th Pisces, Persanal Horoscope for Birthdate February

I have always been a one person person as we all may be, and hope you find yours. Still drink like a fish though, as does she!! You should be a lion then, and you probably are without knowing it!

All the best John. I didn't really believe or into horoscopes stuff. And I still ask "what's wrong with the world", "they or that was just me?

And for me to. Right now is Be wise, be healthy, be prosper, be happy. Because happiness is real, let's be real. Don't understand why others are so sad and not all right. But I pray you will be, in the future. I was born on 27 February Darlene maxilus Although life has been less than kind I am well above ok.

I take from each day what makes me feel complete and leave the rest to fall away. All rhay are not ok take time to yourself and replenish your emotional and spiritual banks n you will be above ok also. He has given me the most valuable gift and that is how i want to be and how to love someone for who they are with total acceptance..