January 1 astrological sign

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  1. January 1st Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
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  3. January 1 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  4. January 1 Birthday Astrology

January 1st Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Because the standards of January 1 natives are high, it's sometimes difficult for them to find friends who share their values. They are loyal and retain friendships for many years. Their screening process is particular, and so they are unlikely to marry early.

When they meet a special someone, they become eager to settle down. Those born on January 1 set a good example for other family members, but even though they appreciate a close family life, they tend to go their own way in personal matters. They make good, if stern, parents. They set high standards and can be disappointed if their children don't follow their example of personal responsibility.

Since people born on January 1 may have a sedentary lifestyle, it's important they maintain good eating habits and avoid overindulgence in rich desserts or alcohol. Since they do not exercise on a regular basis, they should take brisk walks. January 1 Zodiac people, especially those under the age of thirty, do run the risk of becoming too focused on work and responsibility, and pushing themselves and others hard in the process.

But once they figure out that optimism, resilience and listening to the opinions of others are just as important ingredients for success and happiness as hard work and dedication they possess tremendous potential for creativity, insight and inspired leadership.

The seductive power and drive of those born on January 1 Zodiac can be so strong that unchallenged it can overpower others. Emotional and physical burnout is the biggest health worry for people born on this day; because they can be so self-critical they can suffer from bouts of depression.

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It is extremely important for them to have people in their lives with whom they can talk about their insecurities. This could be family, friends or counselors. Stress-related illnesses, such as headaches and high blood pressure, as well as comfort eating and digestive problems, are also areas of concern.

They need to make sure they avoid alcohol, smoking and reliance on caffeine and sugar, and that they get plenty of fresh air, exercise and relaxation.

January 1 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

Three drops of lavender essential oil on a handkerchief to breathe in when life is moving too fast will give them a much-needed pick-me-up. These people like to be in charge so they are often attracted to careers that offer them this possibility.

In business they like to work as a planner, producer, CEO or account manager and, if these are not possible options, to be self-employed. People born on January 1st are born leaders.

They tend to project a natural confidence that draws people like moths to a flame. In fact, you can get so focused that you tend to block everything off.

This is often giving you the reputation of being a workaholic. You believe in standards. You believe in holding yourself to a high standard, and you expect the same thing from those who work for you.

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If there is any one personality trait people would use to describe you, it would be: Trust involves taking risks. Trust involves comparing people to others.

Trust involves overcoming fear. Not surprisingly, you are quite a loyal friend and lover. You also make for a great employee or leader. People find you dependable and realistic. In fact, you are able to stick to a plan of action while most other people have given up.

This is due to the fact that you are able to shut out all other distractions until you achieve your goal. Now, your critics would always say that you are rigid and ruthless.

January 1 Birthday Astrology

Well, we can all beg to differ. What nobody can dispute is the fact that you can zero in on a task and do whatever it takes, for however long it takes, until you execute that task.

This is why you tend to rise to the top. You might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, you might not be the best-looking person in the room, but none of that matters because ultimately, you become unstoppable once you set your mind to something.

Birthday January 19th Horoscope Personality Zodiac Sign Capricorn Astrology

You believe that you are above that. Not surprisingly, you are a natural leader because these character traits are too often missing in most people. Most people would take a shortcut. Most people cheat when given the opportunity.

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