Grace astrology leo

  1. Stormie Grace Astrology | United States | Stormie Grace
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  3. Message for December 2018
  4. Monthly Forecasts
  5. Sun in Leo

And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience. Sneak Peek at the Week; Get to Work!

The work week begins with the Moon still in perfection-seeking Virgo, supporting your efforts to sort, analyze, organize and prioritize your to-do list.

What is a void-of-course Moon? Then Moon enters Libra at 4: Voids are good for chilling out and taking care of routine matters. Once the Moon enters Libra, see if you notice a more engaged focus, especially in the areas of diplomacy, cerebral debate, balance and fairness in relationships.

Stormie Grace Astrology | United States | Stormie Grace

These are Libra concerns, and you may see them on your plate through Wednesday. The only other Moon void during the work week begins on Wednesday at Plant those New Moon seeds! Tomorrow Tuesday , the morning is energized by an easy alignment between Moon and Mars.

This is a helpful alignment that may effectively channel the dramatic action potential of Mars in Leo, which has been running wild in the cosmos for the past few days. We have two patterns of note this week.


On Wednesday at A trine is an easy connection between two planets. Uranus refers to friendship and that which is unconventional, innovative, humanitarian and independent — perhaps a little rebellious. As for the reasons why these women have established their own community, they are symbolized by Saturn at the end of its trek through Scorpio.

L eos are not great judges of character and are inclined to treat those close to them as if they were perfect beings incapable of wrongdoing.

Because no one can possibly live up to this kind of expectation, Leo is often and devastatingly disappointed. They do recover quickly however, and may have numerous love affairs.

L eo, a fire sign, is fill of optimism and enthusiasm, they are outgoing and exuberant individuals who love people and company.

Message for December 2018

Fiercely loyal to those they love, Leos are also fiercely possessive, but in a manner based upon respect not control. In all significant relationships, Leo commits and settles in for the long pull. They expect, from the beginning, that this firm commitment is reflected in equal measure by their partners. When this trust is breached, Leo is deeply wounded and greatly offended.

Proud and unyielding, Leos love their own freedom and do not put up with restraints of any kind. They are truly at their finest when the object of their attention shows appreciation of these qualities by reflecting freedom and self respect within their own life. Like lions in the wild, Leos know instinctively that royal blood flows through their veins.

In Anglo-Norman times it was Leun. T he Egyptian king Necepsos, and his philosopher Petosiris, taught that at the Creation the sun rose near Denebola; and hence Leo was Domicilium Solis , the emblem of fire and heat, and, in astrology, the House of the Sun , governing the human heart and reigning in modern days over Bohemia, France, Italy, and the cities of Bath and Bristol in England and the American Philadelphia.

Monthly Forecasts

It was a fortunate sign, with red and green as its colors; and, according to Ampelius, was in charge of the wind. M ythology is closely interwoven with Astrology.

Despite all that we do not know about the origins of either lore it is certain that starwatching began with passion on humanity's first night beneath the open sky. Somewhere in time, shapes were perceived, figures imagined, names given and stories were told about the densely populated tapestry of the heavens.

M ythology in general is far more than a collection of "make believe" fantasies created by primitive societies to explain away what they could not understand. The role of Myth in a society was to set the abstract complexities of Nature within a context of story that the human mind could comprehend.

Wondering long on what keeps the world from falling through space or whether the dawn will follow night is a costly distraction when there is hunting to do and crops to tend.

A strology and Mythology serve a similar function in this regard.


We benefit from Astrology not so much as a tool of fortune-telling but as a directional guide to understanding who we are individually and what our unique role ought to be in this life. As Carl Jung stated, Astrology claims only that we each possess the qualities of the year and of the season in which we were born.

To discern just what those qualities are T o our ancestors, the qualities of the Lion were associated with rulership and divinity. Wherever this animal was encountered, its characteristics were attributed to gods and goddesses.

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For many cultures, the symbol of a lion serves as a guardian. Lion figures stand fast against darkness and evil intent in the doorways of palaces, temples, and in the rituals of the Chinese New Year. I n Greek mythology, the constellation of Leo is explained through the tale of Hercules and the Nemean lion.

More than a lion, this beast was the sibling of the infamous Sphinx whom Oedipus encounters. The creature had terrorized the countryside for years and all weapons were useless against it. Hercules was sent to kill the beast by Hera; as an illegitimate son of Zeus the goddess hated him and hoped for his failure.

Hercules, however, proved successful in defeating the Nemean Lion, literaly wearing his victory by making a cloak and helmut from the creature's hide.

Sun in Leo

Being full of faith they accomplish and achieve by persistent determination; to them their will is law. When developed they carry with them the most harmonious vibrations of the twelve signs, and have the power to soothe and heal.

This sign prompts the higher emotions and gives love of honesty and a higher morality. Their passional nature is keen and ardent, all the feelings coming direct from the heart.

Who praises all his kindred do? Expects his friends to praise them too— And cannot see their senseless view? People born on a cusp tend to possess traits of two Sun signs which overlap, blend and often merge. If you were born within a cusp period you will very likely find it interesting and beneficial to read about both Leo and its neighbor nearest to your birthday.

Individuals born on the first or last day of Sun sign Leo will occasionally find their birthday placed within Cancer or Virgo. The shift in cusp dates is due to the alternating progression of the Sun from sign to sign. While the difference in Sun sign dating is often a matter of hours, the varyance can extend as much as a full day.

Having a reliable Natal chart cast will reveal precisely where the Sun was at the time you were born. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity. But I have had lots of happy moments, as well. Every moment one lives is different from the other.

The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single, indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot separate the good from the bad. The past lives in the present. How dull it is to pause, to make an end, To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use! Though much is taken, much abides; and though We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are — One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

The constellation of Leo. As radiant today as it was in the ancient skies of our ancestors.