Pisces 7 january horoscope

Sabian Symbol
  1. Thursday 27th December
  2. Love and Compatibility for January 7 Zodiac
  3. Pisces Love Horoscope
  4. Pisces Daily Horoscope
  5. Pisces Horoscope

This can be a romantic time, and this lunation may very well offer you a beautiful opportunity to understand your longings and needs more clearly, mainly related to creative and romantic matters. You're in the position to see your heart's desire, and it can be wonderful for creative vision.

Thursday 27th December

With Jupiter most of the year and Saturn in soft aspect to your sign in , this is a year that supports your efforts more than challenges you, dear Pisces.

Until November, Jupiter helps you take things in stride rather than sweat the small stuff. You can be especially curious on intellectual levels in , and opportunities to travel, learn new things, gain new experiences, expand your horizons, publish, promote or expand your business dealings can emerge.

Authors, speakers, business owners, and agents among you may reach a broader or more appreciative audience in This may have to do with a change of status, significant achievement or award, position, or improved reputation instead of career. In , you may especially enjoy exploring different ideas, cultures, places, and belief systems.

People tend to love your ideas and opinions. All year is excellent for your reputation, internet publishing, and public life, and this theme is likely to extend well into For some, this is a year when a partnership or friendship brings an extended family into your life or opens the door to favorable new relationships.

A relatively new influence on your solar chart impacts your friendships, group associations, dreams, and wishes. This can be true for certain causes, dreams, or plans that no longer support or represent you. The year might also find you making friends through business or enjoying a mature mentor or friend.

You might renew an old friendship. Practicality is a bigger consideration now, and this is immensely helpful for you at this point in your life. You quite naturally end up in a teaching, guiding, advising, or mentoring role with the influences of both Jupiter and Saturn in People in high places take a shine to you.

New themes entering your life this year have to do with friends and lovers, communications, and studies. These are areas of the biggest change and turning points in Some of you will be happy to see Uranus moving out of your money house this year.

Love and Compatibility for January 7 Zodiac

This move is not yet permanent and will only be complete by March , but it does point to less unpredictability with money. People might often feel drawn to you for guidance, healing, or spiritual questions this year, and you tend to radiate warm, healing energy.

Daily Planetary Overview

Not only does it harmonize with your sign, it forms a lovely trine with Neptune, your ruler, in your sign. Saturn has moved out of challenging relationship to your sign — another helpful influence that takes the pressure off and allows you to express your warmer traits more naturally.

In general, is likely to be a more empowering, stable, and grounding year for you. You are feeling considerably more natural, and generally speaking, others are appreciating the qualities that come most naturally to you.

PISCES January 2019 - BIG CHANGE - Healing - New Option & LOVE - Pisces Horoscope Tarot

People might often feel drawn to you for guidance, healing, or spiritual questions. You radiate warm, healing energy. You are also more grounded and reliable than usual. Opportunities to connect with others online or through learning efforts may present themselves from mid-May to early November.

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  5. January 7 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality.
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This can be a time of opening your mind to unusual new interests or for communications and transportation opening up new channels for making connections.

Quick-moving Mercury rules your partnership sector, and travels the entire zodiac in the course of the year , as is common. Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day. All About Pisces Pisces Ascendant.

Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here.

More Cafe Astrology horoscopes are below: We crave organization and want to get things accomplished.

Pisces Love Horoscope

This Moon transit encourages our desire to learn, acquire skills, excel at our work, pay particular attention to health, and help others. Share this Article Like this article? The connection of Uranus with the Sun, combined to create the symbolism of Mars, speaks of a strongly masculine energy.

Emotional, sensitive matters tend to stay hidden far below the surface in individuals born on this date. With this person being born in a feminine sign of Capricorn, merging this into one whole will be quite a challenge, for as long as fears guide their way.

Liberation is their guiding light and a solid foundation always must be set in order to make the progress they were born to make. Issues with authority will travel through their family tree, and each generation of men will show antagonism towards their father or their father's father, including new men that enter the family through marriage.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

These two symbols add to the image of an inner opposition and conflict individuals born on the 7th of January carry within. The second symbol speaks of their connection to the roots as it intertwines with the date preceding their birth date, and this seems to lead towards liberation in natural cycles. The entire image is going from an extreme of shy, childish innocence, to the expression of sexuality through a feminine, irrational principle.

It is obvious that those born on this date have a task to shake our worlds. Once they come out of their shells and realize that there is freedom they can create in their lives, they become controversial, strange, and unstoppable.

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  • No matter if they take a passive or an active role at first, their destination is the same, and it speaks of initiative, fighting for the rights of the weak, and most of all — setting healthy boundaries towards the outer world.

    The love life of those born on January 7th is always closely connected to sexuality and the challenges of ties being broken and glued up again.

    Pisces Horoscope

    Their love life is always exciting, but also challenging, for negative emotions intertwine with positive ones too often to find stability.

    The primary goal in each relationship these individuals make is to have their boundaries well-defined and clearly set, in such a way that protects them but still lets others into their world.

    Those born on January 7th are innovative and extremely progressive for their Sun sign. They seem to go one step further than everyone else, having a task to finish with one thing just to start the other.

    They will excel in fields of research, sports, all individual activities and battles, and do well as dentists and surgeons, working with fine, modern technology. Septaria is a perfect crystal for those born on this date. With no two stones made the same, it will speak of true inner individuality, and give these people a sense of what they were made to do.