Scorpio dragon daily horoscope

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  4. Scorpio Dragon Horoscope, The Assertive Scorpio Dragon Personality Character Traits

In their friendships or personal relationships, they are drawn to people with the same preferences of order rather than chaos. Of all Scorpios, the Scorpio Dragons are the personalities that are most likely to be the most faithful to their partners.

They are big believers in having only one long-term partner to travel through life with. These individuals are very ambitious and they tend to set their standards and expectations high.

They take challenges and responsibilities in stride and typically finish everything that they start. When it comes to financial matters a Scorpio Dragon does appear to have acquired a lucky trait to his character. These Scorpios have a gift of being in the right place at the right time, to take advantage of money making opportunities.

They seem to regularly win competitions and acquire wealth in unusual opportune ways. The Scorpio Dragon is highly observant and resourceful, so they will often see things way before other people notice them. They sometimes come up with great ideas and solutions to problems just by taking a quick look. If they do not know how to do something, the Scorpio Dragon will want to learn.

These are effective skills ideal for work and home life. Many of these Scorpios enjoy making their homes just as they want them with do-it-yourself projects. They have a keen eye for detail, and a love of making, improving and transforming objects.

The assertiveness of the Scorpio Dragon personality can sometimes be a weakness as well as a strength. Occasionally these characters will become overly demanding and possessive in their mannerisms.

This will most frequently be when they have taken on too much and are feeling extremely stressed out. Their normally charming natures and controlled emotions can waver, and they may display attention-seeking behavior.


Talking about issues with someone else is often helpful to these personalities. Or have address for breakdown of conpatibility percentages to make comparison online? Or anyone who know what the breakdown is and wishes to share it with me here is my new best friend Do we ever enjoy learning from reading by actually reading everything?

Or do we all scan through, like in life, find the meat and devour it as quickly as possible to move to our next passion? Why we tend to leave messes in whatever we consider part of our personal space.

We will clean that later, not only is it mine and I know where everything is in it, so don't anyone dare touch it; but it's also embarrassing and I don't want anybody to see it or have to do what they feel I couldn't do myself. I can do it perfectly fine, as soon as I find the time, i.

What combination creates the type of person that can deal with our arrogant, righteous, stubborn, ever-patient, fiery-lusting, quickly-angered, overly-passionate, ever-faithful, non-forgetting, hardly-forgiving, over-analyzing, overly-flattering, deeply-sincere, honest, loving, fair, vengeful, honorable, value-protector, champion-of-the-unable, strong-minded, superbly-willpowered, undauntedly-justified, misunderstood, underappreciated, self-conscious, carefully-worded, bitterly-sarcastic, uncannily-intuitive, admittingly-faulted, mood-sensitive, moody, solution-finding, problem-solving, non-stop-thinking, forever-daydreaming, goal-reaching, self-doubting, overly-self-critical, sometimes-paranoid, rarely-mistaken, firm-believer, pointless-debater, highly-skeptical, mechanically-minded, self-correcting, unintentionally-self-destructing, unnecessarily-burden-taking, untraveling vacationer?

We work hard , when it comes to relaxing we aren't doing much, save for illicit substances, or mind-erasing pleasures that truly give us a vacation from ourselves. Which western and eastern zodiak combo can understand this and love us for it? Hope my impatient passion hears from you soon, though I know you'll immediately start, correct ideas, proof-read, add thoughts as they come to mind, re-read what you've written until you're satisfied with your work.

Then you'll doubt yourself, scan through one last time, and if not ready to show the world how great your ideas are because you think you've fallen short in explaining, you'll be re-writing some, if not all of your temporal masterpiece. See it in about an hour, and I can tell you now it looks great, but I'm not sure you included all the information I'm seeking, so I've jumped back from the future before sending this to remind you.

We dragons with venomous stinging tails have to work together, but never in close proximity, mind you. We'd be quickest to be deadly furious if faced with our mirror-selves for a short length of time once the honeymoon phase of matching and cheering ourselves for thinking and believing the same things ended.

We just can't tolerate that kind if arrogance. Only slightly less than the megaton nuclear explosion that would occur upon meeting our clones, would be to have to spend too much time with our own sign combo.

Just like, in the long-run, a 50megaton nuke would kill off more people in a more insidious and slower, more painful death than the , a collection of us conversing in person would only lead us to a completely calamitous corruptive catastrophe: We would all sense the palpable and inevitable meltdown fast approaching, and be stubborn and foolish enough to see it to the end, for the gamble that we may once and for all show these know-it-alls who really knows it all, and will somehow come away unscathed, while remaining in the eye of the storm we helped whip in to creation.

Even as the karma cuts us to our giant souls, we will tell ourselves it's not over until I'm dead, or I say it's over. As every one fights to get the last word in, we all fall realizing we should have just kept our mouths shuts, no, we should never have thought each other in person was a great idea. Low and behold, chanced by accident, we will never choose to meet each other in real life, for we all know the one in the mirror is the best anyway, and I don't have to prove myself to anyone, especially someone who acts, thinks, speaks and claims they're just like me, when I know it's me that is the best; but i always waste good energy on the ignorant that refuse to believe the honest to goodness evidence I have ready, in order of doubt, for them to behold.

They just can't handle the truth, it's all bogus anyway: Those of you who don't know, this is precisely the paraphrased reason Copernicus was chastised, ridiculed, brutalized, imprisoned, and sentenced for death, for stating without a doubt, that the universe did not revolve around us, the earth, but in fact it was earth and the other nearby heavenly bodies that revolved around the sun.

Ironic and paralleling our self-image and beliefs? Bitterly, and wouldn't it also be something, if I had chosen Copernicus for this reason? Scorp Season Although it did take him some time to understand me, he is my best friend and understands and accepts me better than anyone I have ever met.

We do have our differences and our problems, but we have stuck by each other through some major setbacks already and I truly believe he is my soulmate and he feels the same way about me! I have not had a connection like this with anyone else, ever! Cheers to you, may we keep on keepin' on He's almost 18 years of age.

Chinese language

His room is so nasty and dirty. It smell so bad when you enter his room. He have dishes, cups and trash all over the tables and floor.

He can't seem to wake up in the morning by himself. He sleeps all day and he lies to get his way. All he do is play games all day if hes not in school.

He have all his school work and even important things laying everywhere. I want to say more but this doesn't describe him at all. I dont understand why. Red Wan As a small child I was misunderstood all around the board and astrology in the homes I lived in was completely out of the question.

I have epitomized my sign in all realms. I have a son who too shares the same two signs and is 24yrs 3 weeks to the day of my birthday. Quite literally we are the same. We're taught statistically without formal education or being born into means the likelihood of success is more challenging.

There's some merit to that statement except I have to be honest that pretty much whatever I truly wanted to accomplish Our powers are too intense. I actually have OCD regarding organization and cleanliness in my personal space which I have had to become more flexible with the rest of my family children.

Ultimately the only enemy I believe that we could ever have is ourselves. Oh yeah today is my birthday. I think I am falling in love. Would he feel the same way? How will our relationship be? It does take some work at times our relationship but we love each other very much..

Mostly true description oh us. Does anyone know if our ambitious attitude tend to curb with time or what? I am highly achieved and still looking to do more. I tend to chose to take on more and think about more and leave organisation for a time when I have downtime, which is never Most of all of this relates.

Personally I spend a lot of my time analyzing everything from my career, kids, relationships, etc. I am a perfectionist, creative, and fast on my feet. I'm a do it all and never stop running and fighting type of person.

No matter what life throws at me i find a way to overcome it. And stress, yes, drives me crazy. If I don't think I'm getting where or what I want it weighs on me until I find a way through it.

And if I do find out that i can't trust someone they are wiped out of my life for good and with little emotion left. Not because I didn't care but bc I've realized that it's over for good and I need to move on. As a parent I'm am loving and protective. My life revolves around my kids and there is nothing that will stand in my way to support them or protect them.

Scorpio Dragon Woman

I teach them everything I g will help them as adults sometimes going the extra mile to ensure that. I'm a single mother and I've taught my girls how to drywall, fish, camp, etc.. Sometimes I think I grab from so many boxes its hard for me to juggle it all yet the second I take a break I become bored and need it again. My friends are made of just a few close people that I've become close to over the years and even though we are close even they don't know everything aboug me.

In fact very few people ever do, my mother is one of the few people that i never hide anything from. Which is another good point, I am a people person yet I'm super careful how much I let people really get to know me.

I don't like my emotions played with and so the deepest parts of me are generally hidden from everyone. In order to really know me I have to know everything aboug you first and then have years and years of closeness in order to truely trust you that much.

I have an awful time expressing myself in relationships, not bc I can't say it but I worry I may chase them off by my deep feelings so I only give what I think they can handle at a time.

Scorpio Dragon Horoscope, The Assertive Scorpio Dragon Personality Character Traits

But at the same time I am quick to read people, its a horrible habits I learned as a child. And usually even though I go against my judgements sometimes I am always right on what type of person I think they are. If I feel they are the gossip types I will avoid any interaction I can as much as possible. Bella Lily I can totally relate to you on so many levels.

Sometimes it feels so lonely and hard to be like this but I'm glad I'm not alone and its not just that I'm crazy. This is so elevating. I have to say this description explains more than just my lover to me. He is complicated, powerful and deep, but so am I. We only express it differently.

We both have had complex, difficult life's. We were wild rebels as children and we've had to proof ourselves to others often. We were and still are misunderstood as children. We're also artistically gifted although he choose a different path.

He's much more "out worldly" than me. He externalizes what's internally brooding in me.

We are not always aware of it, but we're always on the same page, even when we're not physically connected. We are aware of this weird tie that binds us throughout life. This means we are together, even when we're physically not together. We both need our freedom, but at the same time, we still can't be without each other it's hard, I know.

He comes and go's because of his work. He always comes back to me, especially when he needs a rest from it all or when harm has been done to him. He gets all the passion we share when he comes back to me. This brings me to another similarity trait we share.

We both have a hard time to forgive and forget and express our grudges with a roaring intensity. Letting go of grudges is one of the hardest things to do for us both.

We are learning though, and it seems as if we push each other forth in our learning process, because of the similarities. We have an deep respect for each other that's just beyond words to describe and which we just don't feel for anyone else.

We share a love that is out of this world. We have this magical connection we just can't forget. We're Like two sides of the same coin. Having said all this brings me to the conclusion that we compliment each other but we're also similar in our ways of expression.

Some of what is written above is also about me. Same goes for him in some of my descriptions. We are so intertwined, that we have become each other. I have always known since I was a little girl, that I would meet him somewhere in this life. The one who would be with me on this deep level. I wouldn't want to mis out on a love so big and that I'm writing a book about.

Wood Dragon My wood and water elements are in harmony making me flexible to people and situations but being taken advantage of this flexibility does not sit very well with me, and that when I lost all of my passion for this cheating deceiving and constantly on the go and wanting the next best thing since slice bread fire sign, and only than the fire breathing dragon side and the venomous sting of a Scorpio came out of me so the term watch out world was an understatement of the century which ended up scaring the living life out my fearless bold and brave Aries.

So the moral of this story is I didn't know I had so much power of intellect to bash and tear down the most confident person in the world psychologically and emotionally, and that says a lot for an unemotional sign like Aries to be so shell shocked that have to go on prescription medicine after an earth shaking conversation the stripped that Iron wall around their emotion and than I also become physically so scary looking in my eyes and facial expressions that not even the bravest person with strong built physics would challenge to come at me when I'm pushed to my corner and prefers to walk away because they know they can be turned into ashes if they take a approach.

At the end that fiery Ram turned into a baby lamb and got kicked out of my life for good and now through a mutual friend that communicates with me understands she made the largest mistake of her life and can not replace me with anyone in her current life and is not happy in any parts of her life.

This dish is spicy and copious. All of the characteristics of each sign are magnified by their amalgamation. This person is ambitious. She will have masses of personal charm and will know how to go after what she wants.

They see no reason why they cannot be head of the world if they so choose. Scorpio Dragon holds his scaly green head up so high that he can peer directly over the mountain at the lush green valley of his success. Often, however, his eyes are bigger than his stomach.

The mountain he must cross presents him with innumerable insuperables. Trudging from obstacle to obstacle with your pride in your front paws can be discouraging.

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  • Scorpio Dragon Traits.

Scorpio Dragons have been known to give up. But mostly they bounce back and, like the phoenix, rise from the ashes of their own funeral pyre to strike again. Scorpio Dragons come on strong, and have gigantic reserves of courage and cunning. They want to get places in life.

They are combative and charming. But their giant pitfall is that they want to be paid homage as well. Modern life is difficult for these haughty creatures. The Scorpio born Dragon has a hard time with moderation. He is drawn to excess and self-indulgence and has a tough time resisting the dissipation of his or her talents.

Magnetism is indeed a fabulous trump card in the game of life. But it is not quite sufficient to ensure either success or happiness. He must not get carried away from basics and then one day find himself standing naked and frightened atop his mountain—alone! Deep down she weeps over stories about lost dogs. Scorpios born in Dragon years are strongly individualistic.

They have plenty of imagination and can think up a hundred new schemes a minute. People automatically like them and even agree to take them in and feed them and care for them because of their unusualness. Thing is, the Scorpio Dragon is not always cooperative and sometimes gets asked to leave after only a few days. Because in their struggle for singularity, these people often alienate the very plain folks they need most by snubbing them or simply ignoring their needs.

Love You cannot expect this passionate fanatic to cool his ardor anywhere—especially in the bedroom. But sometimes, just to be perverse, he will be faithful in the extreme to a single and wonderful person who knows just how to applaud the Scorpio Dragon while twisting his earlobe to make him behave.