Cancer horoscope sign information

Cancer traits
  1. Cancer Facts
  2. Cancer Sign: Cancer Zodiac Dates & Traits
  3. Cancer Sign: Cancer Zodiac Dates & Traits
  4. Cancer Traits

A hearty picnic in the park is heaven-on-earth to most Crabs. Cancers often find that a robust workout session is just the tonic for their touchy feelings. Team sports are always nice, since they offer a sense of community; water polo should be elemental to aquatic Crabs. What are their team colors?

The Moon is silver and white. Since Cancers have a tendency to be lazy, however, they may need someone to push them out the door. When it comes to the game of love, eager Crabs are devoted, romantic and able to get things going on their own.

Crabs are wise to listen to their gut, since this sign rules the stomach. But are you a Cancer man or Cancer woman? The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. Read the Cancer daily horoscope.

How to Cure a Full Moon Hangover. You just do not want to accept that. But that is not his fault. That has nothing to do with HIS starsign.

Cancer Facts

He is very clear to you: If he is being kind or drinks coffee with you, i say this: There is nothing unclear or complicated about this guy. You, girl, have something to work on. And don't get me wrong, we have all been there, that feeling when you really like someone to whom you are just a friend. But you are making things worse for yourself by not accepting his clear response to you that you are just a friend to him.

You are being moody, cause one day it is ignoring him completely and the other you are all friends with him. Stop driving yourself crazy. Being shy is not a feature of your star sign. Work on your issues instead of blaming them on a star sign, cause the majority of Cancers are succesfully leading states, companies, schools, classes or religious communities.

I fell in love with a Piesces woman at age 7, but when I finally told her my feelings after 12 years, she said the way I want her to stay with me alone is so hard for her 'cause she wants to explore life, so even if she'll be mine, she can't avoid other guys!

I Think sometimes it comes back and sometimes it does not. All I know you Cannon change People. Remember to be good to yourself. I have tried understanding my Cancerian love, but unfortunately I have come to the end of the road.

Each and every time I thought there was a small sign of hope, he would reassure me that I was firmly in the Friend-Zone, even with, what I thought was small inklings of caring, such as the random messages out of the blue when we had agreed to stop all contact, the visits to my office and of course agreeing to meet for coffee while I was on leave, as a Capricorn, I generally have control of everything, I like to know what is coming and to be prepared, but with this Cancerian man, I never knew what to expect, he used to tell me that I was the moody one, when clearly, it was him.

I have decided that I cannot be "just friends" with someone I have fallen madly in love with, so we have ended our friendship on good terms, purely because he would still need to come through to my office on the odd occasion, and I have promised him that I would still be friendly with him when he does come through to do some work, but I have also asked him to promise me that he would no longer send me random messages as he has in the past, as those just make all these feelings come rushing to the surface again.

Don't get me wrong, I feel as though my heart has been ripped out of my chest, but I don't see this going anywhere, so there is no other alternative but to end our friendship, perhaps I am not cut out to understand the complexity of a Cancerian.

Some advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Dat Cancer gal, I really am trying, I've tried keeping our conversations to a minimum, in fact I went as far as ignoring him, but after 5 days or so he has this habit of sending some random message, then I fall back into this confusing situation with him. Its so difficult right now, I don't know which way to turn, and my patience is running out waiting for him to at least acknowledge that I do mean something to him, to be fair, why would one stick around if there is no feelings at all there?

I am a Capricorn that is in love with a Cancerian, he is the most difficult person to read, and although I have worn my heart on my sleeve with him, he is not open with me, however will do small things that will make me think he cares, then when I point them out, he will tell me that I am over analyzing things, or accuse me of reading into things a little too much.

Cancer Sign: Cancer Zodiac Dates & Traits

I am at the end of my road with this man, my patience is running out, why can he just not admit he does care or doesn't, be more upfront and honest!! Oh this is so true! Sometimes I would be the first one to make the first move like holding his hand, especially the first time we laid eyes on each other because he was too sheepish.

I love my Cancer guy, despite his flaws. Oh well, nobody's perfect anyway. Cancer is an honest sign and hates guessing where things are at in their relationships. My wife is a Cancerian, and so much of what you've written is true! Now if only I'd read your article before I met her a long time ago!

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Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: June 20 - July 22 One of the greatest astrological enigmas is the zodiac sign Cancer, which is known to be ruled by the Moon which is in itself mysterious.

I just want to know the compatibility between Pisces and cancer. But the truth is this: They know what they want and what not, that this can be difficult for others is shown in the post of capricorn Shannon: I'm Richard, Ghanaian, and a Cancerian. It still hurts me that I lost her 'cause I was willing to be hers, and hers alone Not true at all.

I do appear insensitive, because I am insensitive.

  1. Everything There Is to Know About the Zodiac Sign Cancer.
  2. number 4 on my birthday every year.
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  4. Cancer Horoscope: Cancer Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics.
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Is it possible for a cancer to act the oposie of emotional? I am an independent cancer, but I put a lot of effort in relationships.

Cancer Sign: Cancer Zodiac Dates & Traits

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Cancer Traits

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Cancers may seem prickly and standoffish at first meeting, once they make the decision to become friends with someone, that person has a friend for life.

Get clarity with a psychic reading - free up to 10 minutes! Most Cancers have been called psychic at some point, and with good reason—Cancer can often intuit relationships, ideas, and motivations before anyone has actually spoken. That can make for challenging interactions with this sign—Cancer hates small talk, especially when it contains white lies like saying, "How nice to see you!

That's why social gatherings can be overwhelming for Cancers.

Top 10 Reasons Why Cancer is the Best Zodiac Sign

They'd much rather spend time in small groups where everyone is on the same page. In romance, Cancer is a giving and generous lover and expects the same in return.

The Crab is above mind games and hates the thrill of the chase—if you love someone, why not say it now? It's not uncommon for Cancer to fall into committed love after just a few days or weeks, and even though that decision is sudden, it can easily last a lifetime.

  1. february 19 born astrology.
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  4. Cancer (astrology) - Wikipedia?
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  7. Cancer Horoscope: Cancer Sign Dates & Traits |

Cancers tends to be happiest when they're part of a pair, and the best relationship brings out their greatest traits. But even though a Cancer thrives in a duo, he or she also has an independent streak, and needs plenty of time to do things solo. This sign has an active internal life, and is often are happy living in the realm of imagination.