Marriage age prediction by horoscope

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  2. Astrology for marriage
  3. Marriage Astrology | Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage | Marriage Age Calculator
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  5. When Will You Get Married?

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Marriage Calculator

Organs on Face Forehead. When Will You Get Married? Marriage is one of the most important events in our life. Some people get married early while some are left over.

If you are worrying about when you will get married, you can read your palms to know the answer. Marriage line, heart line and finger length can tell when you are most likely to get married.

To a certain degree, they may suggest whether you will get married early or late.

Astrology for marriage

The finger length also indicates the early or late marriage. If you have longer ring finger, you tend to be romantic and attractive to your lover and fall in love or get married early. U provide some remedies for the dosh, it was very helpful. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Position of below rashis and planets in 7th house: Makar and kumbhrasican cause delay. The lord of these rashis are Shani Saturn , who is known to delay things.

Marriage Astrology | Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage | Marriage Age Calculator

Rahu and Ketu are also malefic planets that cause delay. Mangal Mars in the 7th house also creates a lag for marriage and marriage issues.

The 7th house indicates one's life partner as well. The presence of Shani or mangal in this house indicates a delay in finding the right partner. If Shaniaspects the 1st or 7th house, it indicates slow progress. The lord of the 7th house in one's horoscope should be checked. It should not be affected by the aspect of shani or mangal or rahu.

Each of these can again weaken the overall prospects of marriage. The currently running dashas in a person's life and the seven and a half years period of Shani's influence also can be major causes for the non-settlement of marriage in a person's life. Study of 1st house: The 1st house is indicative of the personality of a person and the 7th house is indicative of one's life partner.

If the lord of 1st and the 7th house are sitting in each other's houses, it is a good significator of love marriage. If study of 1st and 7th houses indicates navpanchamyog and saptamyog, then it is beneficial towards love marriage as well. The 5th house also indicates love.

If Shukra Venus and Buddh Mercury are in the 5th house, if the lord of the 5th house is also in 7th house and vice versa, it again indicates fortunes and gains through love. Presence of auspicious planets If auspicious planets such as Chandra Moon and Budh Mercury are in the 7th house, they bring about an early marriage, in the age range of 18 to When Guru Jupiter transits from the 1st, 3rd or 11th house and aspects the 7th house, it helps for the settlement of marriage.

Chandra Moon , Guru Jupiter and Shukra Venus in strong positions are generally good for marriage to occur at the correct time. Makar and kumbhrasi can cause delay. Mangal Mars in the 7th house also creates a lag for marriage. Shani delays marriage to post the age of 30, and presence of Rahu can take the marriage age to over 30 also.

Kundali of partners are checked The rashis of both partners in janamkundali are checked for compatibility in thinking. Rashi's are grouped according to their tattwa or elements.

Exact Age Calculator

For example, Agni fire and Jal water rashi are incompatible whereas Agni fire and Vayu wind are compatible. So, Leo being a agni sign would be incompatible with scorpio which is a water sign but more of a personality match with gemini which is a wind sign. Gun Milan is done to check compatibility on all aspects and points are given accordingly, using Ashtakoot gun milan system.

A score of 18 and above is considered good for marriage. The relation of the 1st and 7th house are checked. Yogas being formed are looked into. It is a clear indicator of incompatibility whereas Navpanchami yoga indicates very good compatibility..

Position of mangal or Mars is checked in the horoscope to see if either of the partners are manglik. Mars placed in the 1st , 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house indicates manglik dosh.

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Such a person can marry only another manglik. They are of high stress temperament, and would not be compatible with other personality types. Strength of auspicious planets like Guru Jupiter and Shukra Venus are checked in both horoscopes.

Vedic astrology deals with the issue of compatibility in this way by taking a deep dive into the kundali — checking horoscope, rashi, nakshatra, charan and panchang.

Please Enter Your Email to proceed. Astrology for marriage Everything you need to know Marriage timing, partner compatibility, late marriage, issues in marriage. Kundali Analysis Enter Name. Year Enter time of birth Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Enter place of birth.

When Will You Get Married?

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      Sheeba David, Pune Maharashtra. Aseem tandon, chandigarh Punjab. Thankyou very much for your service Abhay Tiwari, Chandrapur Maharashtra. Naresh Choudhary, Pune Maharashtra. Aseem Chandigarh Punjab 24 April, Rohit Chawda Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, 24 April, Delayed marriage The most important house for prediction of marriage is the 7th house.

      Delay of marriage is possible if any of the factors are present in the marriage oroscope:.