Paul newman joanne woodward astrology

Paul Newman / Joanne Woodward
  1. The Mountain Astrologer
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  4. The Astrology of Relationships: Fated–the Yod in the Composite Chart | Astrology Explored

Yet, I became an astrologer anyway. So in doing the math, the near midpoint for Mars, the one you usually use is 1 degree of Aquarius, affirming the Yod. The far midpoint is 1 degree of Leo, so where the result in of 11 degrees Aries in the software Marina is using is unusual. Does anyone have an explanation for this?

The midpoint of that cannot be 1 degs Aries.

Anyone can see that. So I wrote to the software provider who was just as stumped as you. They sent me an updated version, gratis. In any case, I found another royal example of a yod in the composite chart, which I will be posting shortly.

Hi bturnage, I just happened to find your great entry about the yod in composite charts. What could it mean to have an amor apex , nodes and vertex yod all 0 degree orb in the composite? Additionally, there is an opposition between amor and moon… I already read some quite unfavorable comments on this pattern? Do you see any connection to the composite pattern?

I never experienced a love like that.

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Frustrating hits the nail… Let me just contribute a comment for the Amor moon opposition in the composite from a cafeastrology. There is a polarity in your creative challenge to also satisfy deeper, more hidden emotional needs and desires, so that you can achieve a sense of union on a higher level.

In this union you both need to identify your individual boundaries and honor and accept them. Any emotional vulnerability that emerges from past relationship wounds, needs to be accepted within this ideal love.

Yes, a tight yod in a synastry chart is significant. However, many times you will find that yod repeated in the composite chart. Hello, i would be most grateful if you would put up another email address, because i would like to speak to someone privately with regards to the Yod post. I really enjoyed this article!

I can never find any info on yods in composite. I have two in my composite with someone.

The Mountain Astrologer

The one has saturn in taurus as the apex with uranus in libra sextile to mars in sag. The second one has uranus as the apex of the yod with saturn in taurus sextile sun in pisces. So…both focal points of the two yods uranus and saturn are part of another yod. I think this is significant in some way. In trying to parse the meaning of any aspect configuration use keywords to get the heart of the matter.

What's My Line? - Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward; Art Linkletter [panel] (Nov 8, 1959)

Respecting the individuality of each in the partnership Uranus in Libra is facilitated by actively seeking Mars higher philosophical values Sagittarius to establish a secure home base Saturn in Taurus. If one is solved it just causes problems with the other one to stand out.

There is a yod in a composite chart of someone I cared deeply for. He is not in my life right now, but I did see him a month ago. We were at the same place at the same time.

Strange because it was across the street from where I work, and he had no idea, and he lives 2 hours away from there.

I pulled into a parking place, and he was in the car next to mine, and when he pulled out, I looked up, and we both looked at eachother for a few seconds, and he drove off.

I always felt that our relationship was somehow fated.

your gateway to understanding the cosmos

I recently dug out our composite chart, and saw the yod. The configuration is Jupiter in Taurus in the 3rd inconjunct Pluto in the 8th Inconjunct Neptune in the 10th, and pluto and neptune sextile eachother.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. These people show up in our lives at inexplicable times. However because of free will we always have the choice of opting out of these contracts. Check to see if the yod is touching a personal planet in his chart and yours. That fact that you are thinking about him shows the issue that was predominant in your relationship is not resolved.

Is there a way to do this yourself? I was wondering… what to make of a yod in both the composite and davison chart with the SAME planets?

Moon and Sun at the base pointing to Jupiter. Can asteroids be counted in yod though? Pallas and Jupiter with Sun at the apex for example it touches both ascendants. Would you happen to have any information on a golden yod in the composite chart?

It involves a quintile aspect in place of the sextile, and two biquintile aspects in place of the quincunxes. Here is a lovely explanation of bi-quintiles by Cafe Astrology.

Like anything else with a relationship chart, it is probably best not to place too much emphasis on one small aspect of such a chart. I have a yod with a girl who is unavailable for complicated reasons. We have both worked to repress our feelings about this so we can maintain a professional platonic relationship.

The effect this had was to create such intense energy and magnetism between us that it became impossible to ignore when we were sitting in the same room together.

In fact I never felt anything this intense in my life. The feeling overwhelmed me first, and I had to ask for us to stop seeing each other at all, and even tone down our texting to just work related issues. Her response was flat out denial.

She at first admitted to sensing this energy and then walked it back to saying we just really clicked and got on. In this case for various reasons there is little chance of us completely cutting contact for the forseeable future.

This Week's Features

For the moment there is no chance at all of being in a relationship together, but as you can imagine this kind of energy exchange with someone of the opposite sex is not going to be conducive to any other relationship you are in. Would have been quite something if we could have consumated our relationship, but with the moon sitting in the 12th that seems unlikely.

Looking for Will and Kate Astrology? Then check out the other articles in the Astrology of Royal Marriage series. Comment Posting Policy Comments for a first time comment poster will go into moderation for review. Not all comments will be approved.

Specifically, comments requesting readings as comments will not be approved. I'm sorry, but professional and other commitments do no give me the time to analyze a reader's chart or charts for comment on the blog. Reblogging Policy You are allowed to cut and paste up to one paragraph of my original material provided you put it in block quotes and properly link and attribute the paragraph to Astrology Explored.

If you paraphrase the material in written material you still need to attribute it to: Beth Turnage blog post date [blog post title] and if used in electronic document provide the link: For requests for other use please email me at starrynightastro aol.

Use of AE material. For more information on copy right and use of other work see Blog Writing: The Astrology of Relationships: About Beth Turnage I write about astrology alot. Some people like to read it. Fated—the Yod in the Composite Chart Marina says: February 28, at February 28, at 4: Hi Marina, Its always good to hear from you!

March 1, at 4: Hi Beth, I really wanted to see a Yod because that would be great to look at with the transits that occurred at the abdication, wether they were hitting the Apex or the reaction point.

March 1, at 6: March 2, at 2: March 2, at 3: Double check your data?.

  1. january 10 eclipse 2019 astrology.
  2. Celebrity Couples?
  3. About Beth Turnage.
  4. 5 of february is what horoscope.
  5. synastry between Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward | Astrology Mundo.
  6. The 11 deg midpoint is correct for these dates. March 7, at 6: March 2, at 4: March 7, at March 25, at 4: May 21, at 4: June 7, at March 16, at 3: March 16, at 4: April 26, at I think there many people that dream of this possibility, to find a partner you will marry and stay with for the rest of your lives.

    To some, this information sounds horrifying; to spend your whole life with just one person. Their marriage lasted from So how is it possible? What makes synastry so good that two people can stay together forever without walking away from each other?

    The Astrology of Relationships: Fated–the Yod in the Composite Chart | Astrology Explored

    Before we go to charts, I would like to find some quotes where they talked about their marriage, as they claimed their marriage was always very happy. Their marriage is one of the most long lasting in Hollywood. We may divorce next year. But we like each other a lot and have great respect for each other.

    We feel very comfortable together. We spend about half the year together, and have nothing in common. But somehow, they make the relationship work. Both people having the same rising sign, even makes things a bit easier. So application aspects are the ones you can see right away, and separation ones are the ones we see through time.

    A positive combination of personal planets is believed to augur well for intimate unions. Therefore this is an ideal combination for a close, personal relationship whether it is a close friendship or love relationship. Paul and Joanne can relax in the knowledge that they are compatible on an emotional level. At times they may feel surprised at the ease with which they both are able to spend time together.

    Of course all relationships undergo times of strain and tension. However, in times of anxiety Paul and Joanne both seek solace in the same manner thereby reducing the possibility of extra tensions resulting through misunderstandings.

    In fact simply being together comforts them. This is a most rewarding personal relationship. They have a lot in common and the ability to share enjoyable times together.

    Joanne is likely to be the more dominant person in the relationship believing her identity and individuality are likely to be enhanced by the association. Perhaps Joanne receives emotional support from Paul which contributes to a greater sense of being alive and an ability to achieve her personal goals.

    On the other hand Paul feels comforted by the relationship, perhaps playing a supportive role and offering emotional insights and comfort. Alternatively Paul may simply feel secure within the relationship, experiencing a sense of well-being.

    This relationship provides Paul with a supportive base from which to explore life. Both Paul and Joanne understand each other and enjoy an easy rapport which augurs well for their association.

    Paul and Joanne share a need for fun-filled adventures and the capability of achieving their goals. They both feel that the world is their oyster which is ready to explore together.

    This can include holidays in far-away places, adventure travel and also encompasses any activity which expands their minds and views of life. This is a meeting of higher-minds.

    Paul feels that Joanne expands his horizons. Paul feels safe and appreciated in this relationship. Joanne knows that Paul is a comrade in arms when it comes to fun and adventure.

    Joanne knows that she is truly appreciated for her generosity and optimism. Together Paul and Joanne can conquer the world. Nothing seems too far-fetched. And this is where problems can lie. It is possible that neither Paul nor Joanne know when enough is enough.

    This is one of the underlying problems of this association. Paul and Joanne need to make sure that they do not become too grandiose in their dreams. Overinflated ideas of their capabilities are not helpful and can lead both Paul and Joanne into troubled waters. Another complication can arise if Paul and Joanne do not share the same values, because morals and beliefs play an important role in this relationship.

    However, if Paul and Joanne share the same beliefs and can exercise some restraint this can be a positive combination for a long-term relationship.

    With this combination of planets Paul and Joanne both feel that they are meant to be together. Perhaps they believe that it is a union of their souls. This is the height of romantic love. However, with romantic love there is always the possibility of disillusionment.

    Paul and Joanne are likely to stumble across obstacles in this relationship because of unrealistic and overly idealistic expectations of each other. It is difficult for them to maintain the heights of love first attained at the beginning of the relationship.

    Misunderstandings can easily arise. After the first flush of love Paul feels that his emotional needs are being ignored, that Joanne does not understand him. It is even possible that Paul feels that Joanne is being deceptive in some manner. There is a danger that Joanne does feel the need to hide behind a facade, failing to be her true self.

    Despair within this relationship needs to be avoided by both Paul and Joanne facing their feelings of loss in previous relationships. They need to face the problems honestly in order to avoid the breakdown of trust and ultimately the relationship. As a result Paul and Joanne may be able to recapture their sense of belonging together which was so strong in the initial stages of their union.

    Paul and Joanne feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union.

    Passion may ignite if the right ingredients are involved, or friendship may be most appropriate choice of relationship. This is an ideal combination for harmonious communications in a relationship. Paul and Joanne are able to communicate with ease, understanding how the other person thinks and sharing many of the same opinions.