Aquarius love horoscope february 11 2019

  1. Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope: December |
  2. 2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  3. Aquarius 2019 Love Horoscope
  4. Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Aquarius
  5. Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

However, they quickly realize that only a healthy diet plan can help them lose weight. A diet poor in fats, associated with regular exercising are two essential conditions for preventing circulatory issues.

Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope: December |

The optimistic nature of the Aquarius women turns into a really fun time the weight loss diet. Planning the diet and the physical exercising program is an easy task for them due to their calm and rational thinking. The physical activity is important for you, who especially appreciate individual sports such as swimming.

January 21, Full Moon in Leo: The Horoscope predicts personal achievements and success in the career. The family represents your priority, and the Full Moon will bring you reasons for being satisfied. February 18, Sun enters Pisces: March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: Hope is the keyword for you. Things start to get better in , especially in your private life.

March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: It is a period when relationships tend to become practical, and passion gets diminished. You will be tempted to be austere and realistic when it comes to their feelings.

April 10 — August 11, Jupiter turns retrograde: Starting from April 10 of , the career is the biggest priority.

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April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: When Saturn is retrograde in Pisces in the natal chart, your life lesson refers to learning how to walk on a genuine spiritual path. You will feel very attracted by spirituality and sometimes you will have the tendency of trusting certain people, more or less knowledgeable in this field.

April 24 — October 3, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: All these astral events and conjunctures announce important opportunities and success in your career. May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: It is the perfect time for success, which will make you proud. It is a good period to change your life for the better. June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: The horoscope for predicts serious changes in the personal life.

The natives that still have no life partners should expect to meet their half very soon.

2019 Horoscope Month by Month

June 21, Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: It is the time for you to focus on your love life, which seems to be heading towards a happy marriage.

July 23, Total Sun Eclipse: In , you have opportunities to travel in places where you only dreamed about. July , Partial Moon Eclipse: The profession becomes very important and you should expect a salary increase. The year is great for real estate acquisitions.

July 8 in Aquarius — August 1 in Cancer Mercury retrograde: In the first half of this period, you must avoid getting in conflicts with your superiors. It is advisable to avoid taking important career decision all throughout this period.

August 12, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus: A long string of success starts.

More Horoscopes for Aquarius

In , you become very creative. It is also possible to become parents during this period. September 23, Sun enters Libra: You are encouraged by the stars to socialize and to make new friends. In the last part of , the imposing career or the professional success might be affected by some poor choices in this regard. Your financial situation is going to improve in the last part of There is a logic to this now.

For your personal appearance seems to play an unusually important role in your earnings. We often see these aspects in the charts of fashion models, actors and actresses or media types.

It is the image that brings the earnings. You have been cultivating financial intuition for many years now. This trend is even stronger in the year By now you have been going through this for about seven years you are more able to discern the difference between instinct and real intuition. Real intuition is ever calm, never in a hurry, never greedy, never mixed with any of the common human passions.

It just is for this is the way, walk thou in it. In general, wealth is increasing this year.

Aquarius 2019 Love Horoscope

You have a rare combination of desire for wealth with the good aspects that can make it happen. While most of you will never be Bill Gates or Richard Branson these kinds of people are rare in every age , you should still enjoy a marked increase in personal wealth in the coming year You will make important progress towards your wealth goals.

You will not lack for any material thing in the year ahead. Your wealth aspects are good all year but will get even better after September 25th as Jupiter, the planet-of abundance starts to make sensational aspects to your Sun Speculations become favourable then.

There is more foreign travel. Pay rises and promotions come at work. You gain recognition and even honours. Conforming to horoscopes, those of you looking to pay off debt, refinance existing debt or who are searching for outside capital have wonderful aspects most of the year.

This is a year to be achieving these kinds of goals. Those of you involved in tax issues, insurance claims or estates will also hear good news now. Financial opportunity will come through an uncanny ability to see value where others see only death, decay or junk.

Troubled companies, troubled properties perhaps even troubled people that everyone has given up on, junk that floats around in attics or garages all have profit potential for you, if you keep your eyes open.

Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Aquarius

Health was good last year and should be good again this year. There are no major long-term planets stressing you this year but health should get even better after September 25th when Jupiter makes a harmonious aspect to you. Yet, in spite of these wonderful aspects, I see a very strong 6th House of Health.

All Good Things Come in their Own Time ♒ Aquarius Love 2019 ♒ Tarot Card Reading

There is intense interest in this field. I read this as an interest in keeping fit, preventive types of medicine, diet and exercise. You are undertaking health regimes and disciplined ones not because of sickness, but for prevention, just for the sake of staying fit. Saturn is now in your 6th House of Health for the next two years or so.

This is showing many things. More attention needs to be paid to your spine, knees, teeth and skeletal alignment than usual. Nothing wrong with these but problems if they happen, are likely to begin there.

Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be advisable. Therapies such as Alexander Technique, which targets the posture and skeletal alignment, would also be good. Though you personally are very experimental and love new things merely because they are new, this year, health wise, you are much more conservative.

You want therapies that have proven themselves over time. You are concerned with long-term health. Saturn also happens to be your Spiritual Planet.

He is the Lord of your 12th Solar House. You are also exploring spiritual-type therapies probably the tried-and-true ones like prayer, meditation, laying on of hands and the like. You will get good results from these things. Your Spiritual Planet in your House of Health shows that the major health lesson is to seek healing from within.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

Your connection to the Higher Power is the most important healer. Yes, there is a Divine Physician within to which you have access and connection with this brings enduring health.

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  • The Moon is your Health Planet. It is said that adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. You have shown tremendous patience till now.

    But now is the time for you to carefully analyze the situations affecting you or asking for your attention and wisely act upon them in a very effective manner. With that said, Aquarius is blessed with tremendous analytical qualities. This particular quality brings out the genius wizard in them who converts the poison into medicine.

    With their endeavor they can beat any struggle and climb any mountain and convert the tough times into their desired and favorable situations. Aquarians are decision makers; they wield a very strong and effective deciding power.

    As per Aquarius horoscope , if you have lost your faith in something or are feeling hopeless, the spring is here and the winter has ended. Your faith in your goals, aims and objectives will be rekindled and reaffirmed by no one else but you!