Scorpio scorpio compatibility love

  1. Who Is Most Compatible With Scorpio? | LoveToKnow
  2. Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility: A Hypnotic Obsession?
  3. Scorpio Man Characteristics

Part of the problem with Scorpio star sign compatibility with another Scorpio is that each partner can see right through the other, for better and for worse. The Sorcerer, so adept at hiding his or her true self from others, has no defence against another Sorcerer. This can be both highly unsettling and at once somehow liberating — if both partners dare to be seen in their true light, they can find themselves dancing very much in step.

Scorpio's Best Matches

In that case, Scorpio and Scorpio compatibility can be unbeatable, given the strong desires and resolute determination of both partners. When the dark side of Scorpio emerges against another Scorpio, it can be frightening stuff indeed. In order to get more insight into this complex and challenging relationship, we recommend an Astromatcha star sign compatibility report for a full picture of your joint strengths and weaknesses.

Ready to discover the real potential of your relationship? Take our free "Star Sign Compatibility Quiz" to instantly reveal your compatibility score! I am a november 9th scorpio. My girl is a scorpio on nov. I am 2 years older than her so my maturity is probably the thing that keeps us together.

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I already knew that if i wanted to settle for one girl this is the one. FR no one goes as deep with me as she does. ON all levels shes the closest. Wait maybe besides sexual attraction. My ex a sag.

Who Is Most Compatible With Scorpio? | LoveToKnow

She is verrrrrry flirtatious but so am i but not as bad. She loves to have the upper hand and be in control and sometimes i let her but only with certain issues. The one thing about a scorpio is that they may be deeply in love with you and loyal, but best believe the scorpio girl always has a back up plan.

Another thing i begin to notice is that to keep them happy , just keep the vibe positive when you are around her.

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  • Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility: A Hypnotic Obsession? ⋆ Astromatcha;
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She may be quiet and reserved but if you can make her laugh and feel comfortable she will open up. I love this girl with my life and see her as my ride or die.

ITs very easy to get jealous for me because I see everything , sense everything and understand the reason behind everything she does. But i tell myself just focus on makin her happy and youll be coo. My girl and I are on the rocks. Her birthday is late October scorpio late and I am November 20th. We started dating 2 months ago she and we fell for eachother so fast that it feels like we have no way of seeing eachother in the future without one another.

She is the perfect woman, beautiful and our sex is absolutely incredible.

Scorpio male Scorpio female compatibility

Usually, we can predict the first option. In general, every Scorpio needs someone to balance them, for they go to extremes of all kinds, and when together, they will rarely have the patience or the tenderness to balance anything, let alone each other.

Their sex life is intense, often amazing, although everything around it seems to be falling apart. They will fight to make up, manipulate obviously to make each other angry, and do things out of spite. In order for their sexual relationship to work out, both partners need to stick to that inner tenderness and emotional closeness when together, or they might have to end things as if torn apart by nuclear energy.

What a strange relationship of two possessive, want-to-know-all, striving-for-freedom partners. None of them will understand the lack of trust coming from their partner, lifting their ego high, knowing that there is no reason why they would continue sharing anything with the other Scorpio anymore.

The problem here is in the fact that neither of them seems to be aware of what they want from their partner and this can turn into a real battle for supremacy. Still, often enough, they will see each other as true and honest, leaving their insecurities aside, trusting each other without too many words.

When emotional baggage is not a part of their everyday communication, the depth both of their minds have will be an incredible stimulus for each conversation they have. No one can understand a Scorpio intellectually as much as another Scorpio.

This is a good way for both of them to discover that they are not alone, and it can be healing for each partner for as long as emotional expectations are not involved. Scorpio tenacious and not easily swayed.

Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility: A Hypnotic Obsession?

There's plenty of sexual chemistry, but they have a fundamentally different approach to life that can bring about some big disagreements. Scorpio craves privacy, security, and comfort. Leo craves attention and adulation.

Scorpio prefers the dark corners.

Scorpio Man Characteristics

Leo loves the bright lights. And they are both very stubborn. If they share an agenda, they can be a power couple, but if they turn on each other, it could be an endless war. Scorpio craves security, broods, and is nostalgic. Sagittarius craves adventure, is independent, and always has eyes on the future.

Compromise is essential if they are to succeed as a couple. Libra is far too objective and superficial to understand Scorpio's emotional complexity. Scorpio is too jealous, brooding, and intense for light-hearted social Libra, and Libra's cavalier approach to commitment and responsibility push Scorpio's hot buttons.

This is not a union that is built to last. Gemini is a social butterfly. Scorpio is stubborn and determined. These two would have a complicated and arduous relationship.

Head and heart collide. Scorpio is suspicious of everyone, Aquarius has never met a stranger and is a friend to all. Scorpio is receptive, Aquarius is assertive. Aquarius demands freedom, and both are stubborn. This is a push-pull relationship that would contain endless power struggles and clashing agendas.

Although signs within the same element match best with each other, quadruplicities do not follow the same laws. For this reason, Scorpio tends to match better with Cancer and Pisces than he does with another Scorpio. This is because Scorpio is a fixed sign , and fixed signs are deeply rooted, intense, and can be very stubborn.

The unmovable nature of a fixed sign can be overwhelming when partnered with a like-minded individual. Such similarities may inhibit relationship growth as well as the personal growth of each partner.