Scorpio weekly astrology forecast 9 january 2019 michele knight

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  2. The week ahead for scorpio
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Video Count - 5, Glastonbury, England About Youtuber Gregory Scott is an experienced astrologer, tarot expert and numerologist. He is empowering and humorous and works intuitively to guide you on your spiritual journey.

His strong connection to this 3D, physical reality allows for concrete guidance and specific time frames in his reading Frequency about 9 videos per week Channel youtube. Frequency about 7 videos per week Channel youtube. This channel will also feature different topics such as the Law of Attraction, psychic development and other spiritual insights to help create and maintain the life you truly deserve.

Frequency about 21 videos per week Channel youtube.

About Youtuber Nichole Huntsman is an astrologer with over 20 years of practice, reading 1,s of charts. She's helped hundreds of clients including politicians, celebrities, professional athletes, religious leaders, artists, CEOs, and everyday folks. Throughout, I was able to meet a wonderful community here online and low and behold , November 29, I remember the date I was offered my youtube partnership and a chance to make a living doing this kind of work.

Frequency about 12 videos per week Channel youtube. Hollywood, Los Angeles About Youtuber From beyond the dimensions of time and space, a King rises from the past and has come back from the future, to brighten up the dawning of a new age on Earth. Using his charm, ancient tool bag and positive energy, the Leo King reclaims his throne and sets on his quest to lead the new world into illuminating its individual and collective consciousness.

Now I will read for the 12 zodiac signs. I also offer private readings.

Scorpio yearly horoscope

The tarot is very accurate and I always ask that people come to the reading with an open mind. I don't think I'm God or some messiah. I read what the cards tell me and some people are not prepared to hear the truth.

I do get some good outcomes but, keep in mind, if you come to me, something must be happening Frequency about 21 videos per week Since Sep Channel youtube. About Youtuber Astrology Answers has made it our mission to support men and women around the world as they grow and take on their own path to enlightenment.

We specialize in astrological readings, natal chart analyses, zodiac reports and more. Join me for Daily updates on planetary movements and how they relate to world events and our daily lives.

Frequency about 14 videos per week Channel youtube. About Youtuber I have also been a writer with published articles in the most popular woman magazine in my country and I had a radio show about Tarot on 4 different stations replying to questions from our listeners.

I have been giving lectures about Tarot and Spirituality in my country and now I started a YouTube Channel to reach an even broader audience. Frequency about 24 videos per week Since Feb Channel youtube.

Video Count - 3, About Youtuber Astrology is no longer just a hobby of mine, it has become a passion. I love to make it as easy to understand and relatable as possible, because I think studying astrology can help us to understand ourselves as well as others Frequency about 2 videos per week Channel youtube.

United States About Youtuber Jean is an Intuitive Empath who has walked countless executives, professionals, artists, business owners, domestic engineers, doctors, therapists, creatives, intuitives, and people from all walks of life through the process of transformation.

She has been a professional astrologer, human development professional, Coach and Quantum researcher since the mid's. Follow this channel for for a daily guidance of Oracle Reading.

Frequency about 9 videos per week Since Jul Channel youtube. United States About Youtuber I am an Intuitive, I receive messages through candle flame, visions, dreams, downloads of information from the other worlds and do energy work. I work with crystals for healing, manifesting and receiving of messages.

I am skilled in the use of herbs to prepare banishing and protective remedies, etc. A part of the foundation of my work is based on working with the Soul. Frequency about 14 videos per week Since May Channel youtube. United States About Youtuber Mastering the Zodiac uses the actual size and location of the constellations in the sky - known as True Sidereal Astrology.

This was the original form of astrology practiced by ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Persians, Vedics, and Mayans. We believe this is the most accurate form of astrology because it is grounded in what is actually taking place in the sky.

The videos on this channel are a very small part of his mission to teach Astrology to enable people to take responsibility for their own lives and also to have a positive impact on the world in general.

She has been in private practice for 34 years. She has a unique approach to both psychology and astrology that has brought her world-class status. She has written columns for parenting magazines in the U. India About Youtuber We 'Saptarishis Astrology' believe astrology to be beyond mere predictions, fortune telling and event forecast but the way of self-awareness, compassion, gratitude, enlightenment and spirituality.

Saptarishis Astrology is an annual multi lingual astrological e-magazine.

About Youtuber Astrology is the roadmap to understand a person at a deep level. If you are confused about your partner, path, career, or info on where your relationship is headed let me decode your chart to give you the answers you seek. About Youtuber I'd like to share with you a little about myself and my journey in discovering my passion for Astrology, the Tarot, the Cosmos and the Mystical side of this life.

About Youtuber Watch Astrology videos and forecasts that give you insight into the universal energies affecting us every day. In my experience, we can make better choices in the here and now by understanding these energies and aligning ourselves with them.

Frequency about 2 videos per month Channel youtube. The greatest gift you have to give anyone this week is the present of your presence. Above all, Mars and Chiron in here are about initiating something or creating it.

Time to take one final look at a past issue. And then put it behind you for good, Scorpio. Venus moves out of your 12 th and on into your 1 st on the 2 nd.

Before it arrives it will oppose Uranus in your 6 th for one final time. Taking a revolutionary, daring and different approach to love and romance as a result of delving deep into your intuitive side is possible this month.

Scorpio weekly horoscope 10th December WINNING!

Mercury the planet of ideas and communication is also on the move — heading direct in your 1 st from the 6 th and removing blocks to communication as it does. Please remember however that both Venus and Mercury remain in retrograde shadow so some back and forth movement and delays are still possible.

The week ahead for scorpio

Mercury will be out of retroshadow on the 24 th , but you will not be fully clear of the retroshadow Venus effects until the New Year when Venus moves from your first and on into its ruling 2 nd. As a result, it may be best to steer clear of new involvements as you could find yourself drawn into one like this. Yes, the heart wants what the heart wants but sometimes we need to protect it like a parent would a child by steering it away from trouble.

You have Neptune and ancient ruler Mars teaming up in your 5 th of romance this month on the 7 th — the day of the new Moon in your 2 nd. Your 5 th also rules children or in this case, you acting a parent to your inner child if needed. Protect that heart, Scorpio.

You and I know how soft and vulnerable it can be. As part of your past-life review — perhaps not just the past in this one but others, decisions could be made around money, shared resources, your home, family, relationship, apartment or income.

Once the past is in perspective, new beginnings become possible. Time to think in terms of quality rather than quantity, and what adds value rather than cost — or should I say the hidden cost?

There is a hidden cost to debt for example. The list goes on. Begin this now, before the year ends to reap the rewards towards the end of the month and on into January. Mercury enters your 2 nd from the 12 th signalling work, contracts and also the potential to earn more but again, your remaining 12 days of Christmas retroshadow may contain reversals or slight delays when it comes to signing or agreeing something.

Your business acumen and capacity to generate money making ideas is being boosted which again, could have a positive, knock-on effect with your bank account.

Top 50 Astrology YouTube Channels for Horoscope & Zodiac Sign Videos

Mercury is getting ready to meet Jupiter in here for the first time in 12 years on the 21 st. This is the day the Sun enters your 3 rd which of course, Mercury rules. Jupiter wants to expand, Mercury delivers news. Self-worth validating and bank account boosting news could arrive which determines a new direction and experience of handling more money than you have been used to.

Astrology Forecasts

Expect expansion and the broadening of your horizons. This full Moon lights the way ahead when it comes to your emotional journey. It reawakens hope and optimism and allows you to see your path as a journey rather than just a series of random events. Above all, it allows you to see that your feelings are valid and your goals are not as unreachable as you may have thought — especially when it comes to having the confidence and emotional safety-net which allows you to explore, take a chance or just step out of that comfort zone into where the magic happens for you.

Very often we are the ones who unwittingly keep ourselves from something better — just because we are afraid to move away from what we know. This Moon reminds you there is a whole world out there.

See, touch and taste it. Ancient ruler Mars is busy in your 5 th house as draws to a close. And woe betide the fat man if he has got your order wrong — especially when it comes to love and the desire to express yourself.

Mars could well be giving you a taste of what true freedom means and this includes the freedom to be yourself and not care whether others are judging you. Venus in your 1 st makes an irresistible angle of allurement and charm to contemporary ruler Pluto in your 3 rd. Follow up on news, invitations or reach out to anyone who has been on your mind lately.

This is your opportunity to kick start before it arrives. Mars also aligns to the North Node — now in your 9 th of yes, setting sail and freedom. Who you hear from or encounter or even news around work or business, could not only determine the course the New Year takes you in, but is all linked to a path you are destined to follow.

Dare to step out on to it? Begin by daring to be yourself. Remember if trying something new or breaking away from what you usually do seems daunting — you only need ever take one step at a time. And anyone, especially you now can do that, Scorpio!

Psychic News

Put the past behind you now. Ahead, lies adventure and the unknown! Look forward to a cycle like no other you have experienced before, Scorpio. After playing host to Jupiter in your 1st during , you should be stepping into the New Year in optimistic and confident form.

Adjusting or updating your image and enhancing your appearance. Your personal belief system may have also had a make-over and you should leave with a much better understanding of how you really feel and what truly matters to you.

All of this insight should have now resulted in an inner certainty when it comes to those values. And all this is what you need to stay connected to in with Jupiter spending the majority of this year in your house of money, assets, talents, self-worth and values.

If you are successful at discerning the difference, then a cycle of abundance and monetary and soul satisfaction awaits. If you have neglected to put a clearly defined value system in place however, you will give in to extravagance and fritter away any gains this year wants to deliver.

Know what it is you need and how you expect to be treated. You are also in one of the most important cycles you have ever experienced when it comes to partnerships, and I will have more to say about this shortly.

Jupiter in your 2nd wants to expand your experience of the material world and how you relate to it. This house is ruled by Venus who also begins the New Year in here arriving on Jan 7.

And Venus is all about relationships. This year should see at least one opportunity to increase your bank account present itself. But it all boils down to how you feel about money and when you have more of it, what you can learn from handling it — one way or another. Mercury goes direct and a New Moon in Sagittarius beams positive changes.

Create a members account for free. Psychic readings are at the usual premium rate — please see terms and conditions for details. Jupiter and the Sun do the fandango and uplift us giving us the confidence to expand. Oh, and Venus shifts signs changing our love direction. Weekly Astrology Video Horoscope 26th November The Sun meets Jupiter for the first time in 12 years.

A fabulous week to expand and fly! Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition.

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