Search cafeastrology todays horoscope for pisces

Mercury enters Capricorn
  1. Pisces Daily Horoscope
  2. Cafe Astrology .com
  3. Friday 28th December
  4. Daily Horoscope – All Signs – Tomorrow
  5. Pisces Horoscope: Day After Tomorrow

You might choose a special interest and run with it, pouring a lot of your energy into learning something new, for example. Financial and work or business thinking is especially smart right now. You have Mercury helping you to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals, and facilitating conversations with people who can help you achieve your goals.

As well, you have Mars and Chiron coming together in your sign.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

While Mars and Chiron come together every two years, they're doing so for the final time in your own sign for many years to come. It's a good time for taking action on a personal matter. You can be quite motivated to resolve problems and brave about facing an issue with self-honesty.

You can also be inspired to go after what you want -- to pursue a passion or interest that you may not have sought in the past.

Cafe Astrology .com

If something has hurt your pride, allow yourself to feel that hurt instead of covering it up with indignation, or otherwise attempting to distance yourself from the painful feeling. Allowing yourself to feel it is the only true way to heal and move forward.

Today is strong for exercises such as this. Your emotional bravery can also inspire and guide others. Tomorrow's Pisces Horoscope by Patrick Arundell Pisces 20 February - 20 March Saturday 29th December If you avoid someone you've had an issue with, then you could miss an opportunity to sort it out.

Though it might be easier to bypass this chance, reaching out and talking to them may be the better option. Lively energy is with you! The is especially powerful for a sense of mission or purpose. This Mars transit is energizing - you're ready to take on a challenge, and you're interested in innovating, being the first, and getting ahead. Venus in a compatible sign most of the month attracts rather than pursues, so you have both yin and yang energies going for you now.

Mars is not only in your sign all month, but it also aligns with Neptune, your modern planetary ruler, boosting your conviction.

Friday 28th December

Previous months had there fair share of roadblocks, and December feels more energizing and supportive overall. People tend to follow or respond positively to you as you seem to be where the action is! Support from friends, associates, groups, or even your community is likely, although you do prefer to go about your business independently and at your own pace just now.

Venus moves in harmony with your sign from December 2nd forward, pointing to relative ease in your social life.

Saturday 29th December

Since the month does require a little more from you than most months, it helps that love and friendship matters are generally status quo or quietly thriving. Indeed, you need to live and love more freely rather than spending too much time worrying about problems. Publishing can be profitable. Travel or connections made with people from different cultures than your own can be enjoyable and beneficial.

Watch for overstrain on physical, emotional, and mental levels, but do gently push some of your usual limits.

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Mars can help you assert yourself and stimulate you to draw upon your natural courage, but self-control should always be exercised for best results. Times to especially avoid overdoing things are the and when Mars forms challenging aspects.

PISCES November 2018. A HUGE Shift Begins! BIG RISE in Your STATUS within a YEAR!

The Sun moves into your friendship sector on the 21st, and then a Full Moon occurs in your sector of joy on the 22nd, coloring the energies of the final week of the year with some social fireworks. This can be a romantic time, and this lunation may very well offer you a beautiful opportunity to understand your longings and needs more clearly, mainly related to creative and romantic matters.

You're in the position to see your heart's desire, and it can be wonderful for creative vision. With Jupiter most of the year and Saturn in soft aspect to your sign in , this is a year that supports your efforts more than challenges you, dear Pisces.

Daily Horoscope – All Signs – Tomorrow

Until November, Jupiter helps you take things in stride rather than sweat the small stuff. You can be especially curious on intellectual levels in , and opportunities to travel, learn new things, gain new experiences, expand your horizons, publish, promote or expand your business dealings can emerge.

Authors, speakers, business owners, and agents among you may reach a broader or more appreciative audience in This may have to do with a change of status, significant achievement or award, position, or improved reputation instead of career.

In , you may especially enjoy exploring different ideas, cultures, places, and belief systems. People tend to love your ideas and opinions. All year is excellent for your reputation, internet publishing, and public life, and this theme is likely to extend well into For some, this is a year when a partnership or friendship brings an extended family into your life or opens the door to favorable new relationships.

A relatively new influence on your solar chart impacts your friendships, group associations, dreams, and wishes. This can be true for certain causes, dreams, or plans that no longer support or represent you.

The year might also find you making friends through business or enjoying a mature mentor or friend. You might renew an old friendship.

Pisces Horoscope: Day After Tomorrow

Practicality is a bigger consideration now, and this is immensely helpful for you at this point in your life. You quite naturally end up in a teaching, guiding, advising, or mentoring role with the influences of both Jupiter and Saturn in People in high places take a shine to you.

New themes entering your life this year have to do with friends and lovers, communications, and studies. These are areas of the biggest change and turning points in Some of you will be happy to see Uranus moving out of your money house this year.

This move is not yet permanent and will only be complete by March , but it does point to less unpredictability with money. People might often feel drawn to you for guidance, healing, or spiritual questions this year, and you tend to radiate warm, healing energy. Not only does it harmonize with your sign, it forms a lovely trine with Neptune, your ruler, in your sign.

Saturn has moved out of challenging relationship to your sign — another helpful influence that takes the pressure off and allows you to express your warmer traits more naturally.