Virgo horoscope for february 17

Balance: Your Key To Well Being
  1. Virgo Monthly Horoscope
  2. Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo
  3. February 17 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality
  5. Love and Compatibility for February 17 Zodiac

Being one of the rarest metals on Earth, it is associated with exclusivity and prestige. Platinum is also used as a primary metal in automobile catalytic converters.

In regard to the personality of those born on February 17, communication and permanent interaction with other people represents an important aspect and a highlight in their lives. Seeking for long term commitment might bring some headaches to these natives nowadays and a long road before they can truly settle. Their point of view about the financial aspects of life is that you need to work but you also need to be creative and that you can have them both.

Their health is quite good but since Aquarius rules the lower limbs and blood circulation, they are susceptible to suffering from affections concerning the above mentioned areas. At which of the four do you think those belonging to February 17 are most successful? You can answer this poll and see how many people think like you:.

This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Venus. This is representative for people who are resourceful and understanding just like Aquarius and emotional and charming just like Venus.

This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of Aquarius zodiac sign, slightly enhancing the negative ones. Being born on the 17th day of the month means an individual who is hard working, methodical, rational and dependable.

The numerology for February 17 is 8. This number reveals ambition and great power but also an embrace of the spiritual side, later in life. Those Aquarius associated with number eight pragmatic and analytical doers in all life matters.

February is the last winter month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing great opportunities for progress. Those born in February are temperamental and intelligent.

February 17 Zodiac people are determined and sociable although they are easily offended. The symbols for February include Garnet and Jasper as gemstones, Violet and Primrose as plants and the month of purification as stated in the ancient Roman Empire.

In the Gregorian Calendar, February 17 is the 48th day of the year while until the end of the year there are days left or days in case of leap years.

The seventy ninth day of winter, this is also the Quirinalia celebration of the Roman Empire. Aquarius is the last sign, twelfth most commonly met zodiac sign in the horoscope.

Odd numbered sign, it is of positive meaning attached to a preponderant masculine symbolism. This defines extrovert people who are lively and self-expressive. Amongst the archetypes used when talking about this sign there is the Activist. There is a slight peak of medical professionals but also of philosophers in Aquarius. Famous people born on February 17 under the Aquarius zodiac sign: Love and Compatibility for February 17 Zodiac.

December 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo

The lucky color for those born under the February 17 is blue-green. Other colors representative for Aquarius are navy blue and grey. The flower used in astrology for those with February 17 is Orchid. Other plants indicated for Aquarius are Chrysanthemum and Ivy. The metal considered to be representative for Aquarius natives with February 17 is Platinum.

This is a great time for home improvement, or for the renewal of health or wellness in the family, or for hiring someone to help you with something that needs fixing. On the other hand, this transit can indicate impulsive communication and mental intemperance, so remember to keep your cool and be easy on yourself and others.

On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your sixth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your third house. Words and communication may have a deeply healing effect at this time. Crossing those wires right now can lead to heartache down the road for everyone. This is a time for deeper honesty. Remember to be gentle with yourself.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Nobody is perfect, and making mistakes is far less important than how we respond and recover from our mistakes. This signals a time when romance and love may be greatly emphasized. This eclipse signifies the start of something brand new. If there is anything sick that needs healing, this eclipse will begin the process. Difficult events or unexpected challenges at this time may also lead to new opportunities for healing and personal growth, so trust the healing process.

On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your fourth house will square Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house. This transit is all about sacrifice, compromise, and surrender, and it will highlight your relationships as well as your home or family.

Remember to be discerning. Try to remain objective while also speaking and listening from the heart. On February 18th the Sun will enter the sign of Pisces and your seventh house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house.

Love, relationships, and your social life become the main theme as the month unfolds. There are opportunities for healing, growth, and transformation here, but they will require knowing the difference between truth and fantasy, both within yourself and on the part of others.

Finally, Mercury will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house and Venus in Pisces will square Mars in Sagittarius in your fourth house, both on February 25th. Par for the course. If there is healing and transformation that needs to happen in your home and your love life, then surrender and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Whether it's a new flirtation or a lifelong partnership, your stars light the way to a deeper understanding of yourself, your lover, and your relationship. We have astrology reports for every kind of relationship. So you can find your astrological compatibility with friends, lovers, or business partners.

These insightful reports are about 25 pages in length and give great details on the challenges your relationship might face with helpful clues on how to overcome these obstacles!

For everything from a passing crush to a serious relationship. Find out how your individual charts interact to create your unique chemistry. Uses chart comparison technique. For long-term relationships and soul mates. Learn how your two charts merge into one to form a chart of the relationship itself. Uses chart composite technique. The Sun represents the Self, one's way of being in the world.

It can represent, on different levels, both the ego and the higher Self or soul purpose.

Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo

It rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. The Sun is the most important 'planet' in the chart and symbolizes one's will and sense of vitality.

When the Sun is afflicted poorly placed or poorly aspected it could indicate problems with the father, or male role model. The Sun energizes your entire chart, and planets in close relationship to the Sun by planetary aspect are emphasized in your personality. If your Sun is prominent in your chart, you will exhibit great power to do and to be.

More about the Sun The Moon represents the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. It is a reflection of the true self, represented by the Sun. The Moon also stands for security and instinctual or habitual patterns, as well as the ability to relate to others, and to be nurturing to others.

The Moon rules Cancer and is exalted in Taurus. It is often contrasted with the Sun as the female receptive principle versus the masculine or positive principle.

February 17 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

The Moon represents the feminine and nurturing part of oneself. In a male chart, the Moon represents the feminine within, or the 'anima' and also indicates the type of partner you will attract.

The Moon also represents an attunement from the past, which operates at an instinctive or habitual level in your present life. More about the Moon Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and rules Gemini, sign of duality also Virgo, and has its exaltation in Aquarius.

Mercury is an airy planet, associated with all forms of communication and the in-flow and out-flow of intelligence. Its position indicates how your mental function will be expressed, and where techniques and skills are available to you.

Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus is in-taking, rather than out-going as represented by Mars , and rules the signs Libra and Taurus. Venus has its exaltation in Pisces, and is associated with aesthetics, beauty, refinement and romance. Its position in the chart indicates the area in which the give and take of love, affection and sensual pleasure will be expressed.

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.

Jupiter is the planet of faith, positivism and optimism. It rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer.


Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, versus contraction as represented by Saturn and the aspirations of the higher self. Its position in the chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence. Saturn is the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience.

This includes disciplive, punctuality, and the conservation of material resources. Saturn rules Capricorn and is exalted in Libra, and is limited and material, versus unlimited faith as represented by Jupiter.

It indicates areas where the personality will be restricted by fears and lack of confidence, and also areas which are important to be worked on in this lifetime.

It's a time for making connections, meeting people, and becoming more active with friends, partners, and lovers. Mind you, with Mars in this area of your chart, it is directly opposite your sign, and this can sometimes feel weighty.

You might be on edge more readily than usual and should fight a tendency to be defensive with others. Others seem to be a little more demanding of your energy and time.

Love and Compatibility for February 17 Zodiac

Relationship imbalances can become very obvious now, demanding resolutions to problems. A relationship or partner could be reflecting your own desire for action. Generally speaking though, you are coming across well in your communications and getting along well with siblings, acquaintances, fellow students, or even neighbors with Venus in your communications sector.

Mechanical problems or delayed projects can dampen spirits a little in the first week of the month, but after the 6th, you're likely to see some blocks clear and delays lift. An interrupted conversation might resume, and further information comes in that aids decision-making.

The Full Moon on the 22nd opens your heart to the need for true friendship. Unrecognized feelings can emerge now, and it's time to embrace or process them. It's a good time for mingling as others can open up doors for you at this time and through the final week of the calendar year.

You can feel inspired to do your best or to pursue a dream upon the encouragement of a friend. The year ahead is potentially brilliant for learning, connecting, and communicating, dear Virgo. You are hungry to learn, to produce, and to share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, a partner, and neighbors can improve significantly in Reaching out even in the smallest of ways can be rewarding and can also bring new opportunities into your life.

Responsible, mature Saturn is now moving through your sector of entertainment, leisure, self-expression, play, children, and romance, and encourages you to take these things more seriously. By extension, this is also a good move for improved health.

There can be gratifying work and effort going into hobbies and creative pursuits. Some of you will be working determinedly on a hobby or honing creative skills now. For some, a romantic relationship can become more serious, and for others, there is less desire or perceived time for dating and attention to casual relationships.

Uranus is also moving into harmony with your sign. Those of you in the middle of a course of study should probably watch for sudden changes of heart.