Capricorn star sign compatibility

Capricorn traits
  1. What Are People Born under the Sign of Capricorn like?
  3. Capricorn Love Compatibility -
  4. Best Mate for Capricorn
  5. Capricorn compatibility table

Just do it Aries, supportive Cancer, joyful Sagittarius, fellow Capricorn, and unconventional Aquarius all deserve honorable mentions as potential Capricorn mates.

Aries can bring out Capricorn's inner child with all of their upbeat energy, while the Aries just do it attitude can spur Capricorn on to even greater success.

What Are People Born under the Sign of Capricorn like?

Both need a reasonable level of independence in the relationship and are willing to give it. As to sex, both are passionate, have strong libidos, and are confident. So, if a few kinks are worked out like Aries' impatience and Capricorn's cautiousness, you're looking at another power couple.

Cancer and Capricorn have a gravitational pull toward each other. Each will compensate for the other's weak points, and they both have a craving for home and family. Parenting is where this couple shines as a team. Raising kids is the ultimate honor for both, and both are loyal to family. This is a quality each respects in the other.

At the end of the day, these two have enough in common to create a solid, lifelong match. With a little effort, this surprising pair can create an interesting and offbeat, yet seriously fun and successful, relationship.

For the long haul, independent Sagittarius must allow Capricorn to be the rock, and Capricorn must learn to be a bit bolder and adventurous. A Capricorn man and woman might seem to have been made for each other. Similar goals and needs in love provide a healthy and solid foundation for the relationship.

They will just naturally respect and admire one another.


Plus, they're both sensual beings and understand each other's needs quite well. While a tad on the mundane side, just a little frolicking can make this coupling quite a success. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are quite cool emotionally and prefer fun sex to the heavy or overly romantic.

As a matter-of-fact, sex was likely the initial attraction and could continue to be the life's blood of the relationship.

Capricorn Love and Sex

Still, earthy Capricorn can be an important grounding force for eccentric Aquarius, and Capricorn's life will never be dull with an unconventional Aquarian. The most difficult and unpredictable couplings for Capricorn are flirty and indecisive Libra, elusive Pisces, curious and distractible Gemini, and "it's always about me" Leo. Capricorn and Libra can expect a lot of dissension, debate, and a potential falling out when they get involved.

Of course, there's always the possibility that Libra's friendly upbeat nature can loosen Capricorn up, and that Capricorn will inspire Libra to stop vacillating and take a stand. If this happens, these two might be able to work their relationship out.

Frankly, Capricorn could find Pisces a bit slippery, and Pisces could feel emotionally neglected and move on. However, the differences between them do create a strong attraction and if they stay together long enough, it's possible they'd make a perfect blend of stability, trust, and emotional excitement.

Capricorn Love Compatibility -

But, this will be a tricky relationship to make work. In most cases, Gemini and Capricorn won't even be attracted to one another. However, if by some strange chance there should be an attraction, any relationship formed between these two will be a challenging, awkward, and complicated affair, to say the least.

It's hard to resist the charm of an enthusiastic Leo , but Leo might be a bit extravagant and ostentatious for a pragmatic Capricorn.

Best Mate for Capricorn

Of course, playful Leo can show Capricorn a good time, and Capricorn could prove the value of hard work to Leo. Certainly, both Capricorn and Leo are ambitious and will admire one another, but a relationship of any kind between these two would require a lot of adjustments that could be frustrating to both.

Belonging to the element of Earth , like Taurus and Virgo , this is the last sign in the trio of practicality and grounding. Not only do they focus on the material world, but they have the ability to use the most out of it. Unfortunately, this element also makes them stiff and sometimes too stubborn to move from one perspective or point in a relationship.

They have a hard time accepting differences of other people that are too far from their character, and out of fear might try to impose their traditional values aggressively. Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, and this planet represents restrictions of all kinds. Its influence makes these people practical and responsible, but also cold, distant and unforgiving, prone to the feeling of guilt and turned to the past.

They need to learn to forgive in order to make their own life lighter and more positive.

Taurus & Capricorn: Love Compatibility

Capricorn — the Goat of Fear A goat with the tail of a fish is created to face fear and create panic. It is the sign of decisions made to be protected from monsters in our minds, lives, and immediate physical surrounding. Always ready to transform into something that scares those scary things off, Capricorn speaks of each natural chain reaction of fear, where one scary thing leads to many others, rising up as defensive mechanisms that only make things worse.

Immersed in their secrecy, they face the world just as they are — brave enough to never run away, but constantly afraid of their inner monsters. Still, with enough patience and a positive attitude, you could avoid any damages done, and clear the way for new chapters Enjoy this time of the year, finding enough time to relax, unwind, and watch a movie This Month Dec Governed by powerful energies and deep intent to get things moving and get them done, you will see the end of approaching in a constructive tone.

Nothing seems to be standing in your way, even when it is, but Continue to Capricorn Monthly Horoscope Capricorn Love and Sex It is not easy to win over the attention and the heart of a Capricorn, but once their walls break and their heart melts they stay committed for a lifetime.

Shown sensitivity comes through acts rather than words, and years are often needed for them to open enough to chat about their actual emotional problems.

Turned to their personal goals, whatever they might be, Capricorns can lack compassion and emotion when relating to their loved ones.

Capricorn might be a stiff Earth sign, set in their way, but this makes them a perfect match for certain signs of the zodiac and checking them with a below:. They will not collect too many friends in this lifetime, but turn to those who make them feel at peace, intelligent and honest at all times.

Family — This is a sign with full understanding for family traditions. Capricorns feel connected to every single thing from their past and their childhood, and loves bringing out these memories whenever a season of holidays or birthdays is near.

This is a sign of a typical conflict one has over dominance in their household, with their father being and extremely important figure in the way this person built their self-image over the years. As parents they tend to be strict but fair, readily taking on responsibilities that come with a child. Capricorns will set high standards for themselves, but their honesty, dedication and perseverance will lead them to their goals.

Capricorn compatibility table

They value loyalty and hard work over all other things, and keep associates with these qualities close even when they might be intellectually inferior.

They shine in jobs that include management, finance, programming and calculations. Deeply rooted in tradition, the state, and the system they live in, a Capricorn needs all of their paperwork in perfect order, their documents clean, and their file impeccable.