Vedic astrology house of father

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  4. Free Vedic Astrology Relationship with Father report
  5. Mother & Father House Controversy

Then came a time, when Mughal princes mostly came to power after eliminating their father Kings, either by killing him or confining him in the jail. In the modern world, the relationship of father and son is becoming daunting challenge the dictum of Desh, Kal, and Patra.

Due to the effect of Western Culture and the unitary form of family unit, the father son relationship is fast changing.

A child is left to himself to face the hard facts of life and evolve his principles and rules of life without the protection of his parents.

Astrology and Father

A child needs the help of father to satisfy of his emotional and physical needs as he is young and is groping in the unknown world alone without any help. He is lucky if he finds help from his parents and other family member such as grand parents. As the time passes the scene changes and the parents in the old age when they are physically and mentally not so strong, need help from their children.

The protective role in the father and son relationship changes. In India , the father and son are enter-dependent emotionally and at times physically on each other.

To my mind, these are the important points of consideration for this relationship: In a chart , Lagna represents the self and 5H represents son and the poorva Janam Kramas. One gets the good or bad children based on the Poorva Janam Karmas. Therefore one becomes father and son only if their past Karmas are such which they are destined to enjoy or suffer in this Janama.

So houses are the important houses to the subject at hand. It is the wish of God!

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They are therefore considered to be the best Houses in a horoscope. In addition, these Houses do not go bad very easily. In Hindu way of life, there are four purushaarths: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The first Trikona is the Dharma and is represented by 1 st , 5 th and 9 th Houses.

Here, if 1H means character, 5H his intelligence and 9H his sense of righteousness.

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They both give structure and strength from being a quadrant, and they give dynamic underlying support from being a trine. To be fair to spouses though.

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The 7th house itself plays two roles inherently because it is both a quadrant and an opposite. So all three people are equally important to a happy and healthy life: Now let us get back to the controversy.

The 10th house is the father. In the definition of the 9th , father is not listed.

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  • But later on, in the following chapters of brihat parashara hora shastra — the definitive Sanskrit astrological compendium when we get some practical examples of using the 10th house we find only a brief mention of father in regards to the 10th house, while in regards to the 9th house nearly every example centers on the father.

    The 9th house shows how the father supports us. So the 10th house — being the anchor of the visible, above-ground sky — is the anchor point of the father.

    Similarly, the underground, inner and private sky is the mother — the anchor of which is the 4th House. These are the results of the 4th house, and thus the results of a good mother.

    She gives us a safe place where we can find comfort and peace, and can therefore develop healthy and happy emotions.

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    • The essential characteristic of the 5th house is intelligence. In Sanskrit you should note that intelligence is a feminine word like most languages, Sanskrit conjugates words in either masculine or feminine tense.

      Free Vedic Astrology Relationship with Father report

      This the actions of our mother are actually what develops our intelligence. Temperament can show you what the personality traits are. Phlegmatic having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition: You should note that these signs are fire and male signs ruled by male planets, Mars, Sun and Jupiter respectively. A choleric child may not like restrictions.

      Mother & Father House Controversy

      This child will like to move ahead on his own. It is always good to have self-reliant, but there should be some restrictions. Relationship with father can be seen through the placement of the Sun and relationship of mother can be seen through the placement of the Moon.

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      Find whether the Sun and the Moon are in good place with the lagna and lagna lord. For, these signs their 4th house of mother and family is ruled by water signs and the 9th house of the father is ruled by fire signs also. So, naturally these children coming under fire element the relationship with the mother and father can be very transformative.

      When a fire element dominated child goes to his mother who is dominated by the water element naturally there can be a combustion.

      So, the mother will have to go an extra mile in keeping unity with this child. These signs are earth signs, they are fixed sign so, the child will take time to transform. He may not like sudden changes in the existing system and they may like to go an extra mile in bringing perfection into their life. They may not be reflected or responsive like fire or air signs, they like to be themselves.

      This passion for perfection can bring a lot of critical analysis into their genes and parents may feel that the child is not respecting their efforts.