Today 5 february birthday horoscope ny post

The Globe and Mail
  1. Post Digital Network
  2. Horoscopes - Los Angeles Times
  3. Daily Horoscopes

Stop pretending that everything in your garden is rosy and set about pulling up some weeds. The planets make it easy for you now to end old things and start new things, so what are you waiting for? A brighter future is about to bloom. You may be in the mood to do something dramatic today but the planets urge you to think carefully before you act.

If you push too hard or too soon you could easily overreach yourself.

Post Digital Network

If you go to extremes over the next 24 hours it could cause problems in the early part of the new year. Maybe just this once you should err on the side of caution. Do you follow your instincts or do you follow what someone who seems to know more about a situation than you do suggests?

Only you can decide but chances are they actually know less than they claim, so maybe your instincts are safer. Would they feel sorry for you if the roles were reversed?

Their loss is your gain. Other aspects indicate you need to keep your wits about you, especially when dealing with authority figures. It will pay you to reveal something about yourself today that you would prefer to keep private.

February 9 - Birthday Horoscope Personality

Syndicated columnist and astrologer Linda C. Black touched millions all over the world with her loving snippets of astrological perspective through her daily horoscopes seen in newspapers in the United States and abroad, as well as astrologers-online.

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She died after a long battle with ovarian cancer at the age of Linda Black studied and practiced astrology for more than forty years, following a childhood interest. Linda also wrote Globe Mini Mags for years and contributed numerous articles to magazines.

Horoscopes - Los Angeles Times

Black Daily Horoscopes has over 4,, newspaper readers, plus millions more online and by mobile phone. Nancy Black has been writing for publication for thirty-five years.

Together with her husband, she founded Mercury Press International, a media agency that reaches millions of readers, providing daily horoscopes, words, images and video to magazines, books, periodicals and commercial clients in more than thirty different countries.

They serves as correspondents for El Mundo, Spain's second largest national newspaper and the world's largest Spanish-language online periodical.

Nancy writes a series on inspiring women for Yo Dona Magazine in Spain. Nancy's mother, Linda C. Black was a master astrologer and syndicated columnist with Tribune Media Services.

Daily Horoscopes

She counted on Nancy's assistance during the last months of her life, while fighting ovarian cancer. It was Linda's wish that Nancy continue her life's work.

Nancy's honored to contribute to Linda's readers, true to her mother's style and values. Her daughter now carries on her work.

Today's Birthday

Linda Black Daily Horoscopes, written by Nancy Black, is syndicated by Tribune Media Services, and has over 4,, newspaper-readers around the world, plus millions more online and by mobile phone. Taurus April 20 - May