January 4 born horoscope 2019

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  1. January 4 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
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  3. Hard work pays off in 2019!
  4. January 4 Birthday Astrology

If it feels right, it probably is right. Small but significant Pluto is also visiting hardworking Capricorn this year.

January 4 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

It goes retrograde between late April and early October, then ends the year direct. Rebuilding from the ground up is the focus of this transit, giving you the belief that if you want it badly and try hard enough, anything is possible.

Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are driven by excitement, and there's no shortage of that this year. With expansive Jupiter in outgoing Sagittarius until early December, you enjoy a mix of fun and adventure. Travel and learn from other cultures as much as possible. Love goddess Venus doesn't enter any retrograde periods, and the mood is passionate and aggressive when she spends time in the fire signs Aries in late April, Leo in late July, and Sagittarius in early November.

There won't be any shortage of excitement in your love life! Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn use logic more than other signs, so you're happy about Saturn's placement in earthy, practical Capricorn. This is a grounded energy you can connect with especially when it comes to tending to the details.

Saturn retrograde from late April until mid-September perpetuates slowdowns, though, temporarily impeding your progress.

Yearly Horoscope | jakubzidek.cz

Expansive Jupiter also enters factual Capricorn in early December, increasing your desire to learn. Exploring educational pursuits, studying, and reading will help you advance to the next level. Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius experience slow-moving Uranus who rules Aquarius making the transition from fiery Aries into slower-moving Taurus in early March.

This mismatched energy Uranus likes to experiment, while Taurus takes the traditional route can impede progress, slowing down your hard work.

Money-focused Venus moves into air sign Gemini in early June, presenting some prime moneymaking opportunities.

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Be practical, don't waver, and keep your eye on the prize. When your plans hit a snag, use your intuition to detangle them. Ethereal Neptune is retrograde in Pisces between late June and late November, so daydreams might be temporarily interrupted.

The Spanish singer, who has also dabbled in writing and acting, but rode the crest of fame as a singer, particularly with his hit number Livin' la Vida Loca, does not have too many stars in his favor in the forthcoming year, says Ganesha after analyzing his horoscope. Write Your Question Career:.

Capricorn January 2019 Horoscope - Gregory Scott Astrology

Customer care 10am — 6pm, India. Home Zodiac Signs Capricorn Decans. The person born under this Decan is generally very h5. Philosophical and sometimes totally unaffected by pain or pleasure, the people under this Decan are just, idealistic and faithful. They make good industrialists, contractors, engineers, builders, statesmen and politicians, because they have good intelligence, leadership skills and communication abilities.

Those born under this influence are also patient, firm and hard working.

Hard work pays off in 2019!

They also have the energy, enthusiasm and determination to see any project through to the end. They are rather faithful and affectionate to the people they care for, and work hard to provide them with all the comforts of life. However, the minus points of these people are that they can become temperamental and sometimes even go into depression.

They need someone to nurture them with love.

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Mercury enters Capricorn

Unravel your true potential through the Birth Horoscope report, being offered for free. Also Read Capricorn Facts. What kind of Aries are you? Explore if you are dominated by your sunsign or moonsign Play now.

You might also like. Capricorn Daily Horoscope Hard-work never goes unnoticed and so will be your Capricorn Weekly Horoscope - Some disturbance in the cosmos above may reflect o Capricorn Yearly Horoscope Ganesha predicts a fruitful and joyful year for yo Ricky Martin The Spanish singer, who has also dabbled in writing and acting, but rode the crest of fame as a singer, particularly with his hit number Livin' la Vida Loca, does not have too many stars in his favor in the forthcoming year, says Ganesha after analyzing his horoscope.

January 4 Birthday Astrology

Type your question here… Please Ask one specific question and provide relavant details In case of multiple questions, only the first will be answered. Born between December 22 and December 31 When a person is born between December 22 and December 31, the ruling planet is Saturn. Born between January 1 and January 10 For the person born between January 1 and January 10, the ruling planet is Venus.

They usually have most things going in their favour. They enjoy both pleasure and profit. Sometimes, though, some Capricorn people born in this Decan have to encounter emotional or marriage problems, which is because they tend to be too preoccupied with themselves.