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Daily Planetary Overview
  1. Daily Cancer Horoscope, Friday, 28 December 2018
  2. Cancer Horoscope: Daily & Today |
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You might also notice that your connection with someone is a work in progress, and this will likely continue over the coming year or so. Felt compromised by a key bond?

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This is a time to do something about it. More Cafe Astrology horoscopes are below. Horoscope for All on Friday, December 28, With Venus sextile Pluto, our feelings are intense, and we appreciate depth of emotion and authenticity in our dealings with others.

This can be a good time for doing what we love, following our passions, or pursuing a pleasure more heartily than usual. There is a drive to take decisive action, possibly to defend or help others or to better ourselves.

The Moon is void from Cancer Monthly Horoscope Summary for December The month ahead is powerful for taking care of business, improvements to work and health, and for enjoying and expressing yourself, dear Cancer.

Daily Cancer Horoscope, Friday, 28 December 2018

You move beyond the blocks and delays of recent weeks even months and enjoy special attention, relationships, and improved routines in December. Problems straighten out and answers or news you've been waiting for arrive, helping clear the path for better decisions and forward motion as the year comes to a close.

Conversations or situations that left you stumped in November can start to make sense this month. Projects or endeavors related to work or health that stalled now pick up again. Some ideas may be scrapped while others pick up the pace. Certainly, your work and daily affairs can be exhausting at times, and there is a stronger and necessary focus on these things, but you're also finding the time to pursue other interests and activities that help nourish your soul and inspire you to reach higher.

You have more courage to try new things, and you're strongly motivated to learn, grow, improve, share, and connect.

Cancer Horoscope: Daily & Today |

This can be a time for discovering a new passion or interest, or you could be rekindling an exciting project or study. Either way, you're enthusiastic. Due to Mercury's recent retrograde in your work and health sector and current retrograde in your pleasure zone until the 6th, slowing down in the first week of the month makes sense.

Look at past projects for ideas and inspiration and focus on editing and improving. After this date, and especially beyond the 12th, you're in an excellent position to get work done and focus on health goals. Conversations or initiatives that stalled in November can regain momentum as blocks clear and delays or restrictions lift this month.

Look for opportunities to grow and expand your skills, a business, or project and improve your self-care programs. Your romantic or creative life is brighter and happier, and you get special help from Venus who spends virtually all of December in harmony with your sign, boosting your appeal and personal confidence, and perhaps winning you some admirers, too.

Mars is encouraging you to broaden your horizons this month. Restlessness can sometimes pull you away and distract you, especially on the and , but overall you're in a good position to balance your focus on routine and responsibility with your attention to discovery and exploration.

Listen to your intuition on the 7th when ideas for the future can be golden. You may not know all the details just yet, but that's just fine--with the New Moon in Sagittarius and Mars aligned with Neptune, it's more about the vision now. You may get a chance to take a connection or project to a new level.

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The Full Moon in your sign on the 22nd holds the promise of a "big reveal" or an awakening to your true feelings on a matter.

You are likely to come to a personal epiphany as you recognize feelings that you may have buried due to busy-ness or distraction. This lunation puts you in the spotlight - you are in demand! Knowing your heart is empowering, even if you don't yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want, and it's a beautiful way to close out the year.

The year ahead is strong for self-expression, personal enjoyment, and creative pursuits, dear Cancer. Serious energy is brought to partnerships in Until November, Jupiter continues to bring fullness to your life in the areas of recreation, romance, and creativity. Many opportunities arise for you to enjoy yourself.

For most Cancers, this period is about rediscovering the child within. Also, as Jupiter moves in harmony with your sign, your ability to take things in stride grows by leaps and bounds. You might hunger for more channels to express your unique qualities.

Romance may get a boost. You are learning to depend on yourself more and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts.

You have one of the most playful transits going on in your dating and entertainment sector, but a rather strict, serious, and mature energy going on in your partnership and binding relationship house this year. This can be a very significant year for love, both casual and serious. In order to experience balanced relationships, you need to work on building inner peace, rather than focusing on achieving peace and balance through relationships.

With your ruling planet, Moon, being in Leo, you may not be able to focus on other matters today, as you may be disappointed with certain relations - whether it is your partner or your children or your parents. You are such a caring person, Cancer, but it is time you stopped getting yourself involved with others.

Everything will be fine if you take care of yourself first. The probability of meeting someone interesting will be high during 3 pm to 4 pm, predict Astroyogi astrologers. Click here for a more personalised reading. You are a great person to work with - devoted, tireless and serious about the task at hand.

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You go with the flow and do not create unnecessary conflicts. You place your trust in God, above everything else. The Moon in Virgo today, may make you feel defeated by opponents at the workplace.

This will play on your mind as you can be quite sensitive. Schedule important meetings and other important activities between 9: Blue is your lucky color for today.

Being a water sign, you are inclined to live in a make-believe world of your own where everything is perfect and where God takes care of any problem that may arise. The Moon in Virgo today, will put you in a quandary about these beliefs of yours. It could be due to some nasty behaviour of someone or some sad incident.

Do not give up on positive thinking. Instead, learn to be a little more realistic about life, Cancer.

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