January 2 2019 gemini horoscope

Gemini Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  1. Gemini Horoscope - Gemini - Darkstar Astrology
  2. Gemini 2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  3. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Support, Intimacy, Sharing, Finances
  4. 2019 Gemini Horoscope Preview

The Gemini horoscope predicts that at the beginning of the year, you should have some extra money to pay off any debts that you might have. Try to avoid impulse buying this year during the Mercury Retrograde. Instead, spend your money on things that will help you to make money or help advance your skills. The forecast for Gemini foretells that you are likely to be full of both mental and physical energy in You are likely to be at ease until late spring.

This is when stress will show up again. Try to manage this well or else things could go badly. Gemini, try to be less impulsive this year, but at the same time be more open to new things. Work hard on controlling your mental health this year; remember that it is as important as your physical health.

The Gemini horoscope predictions foretell that this year you will need to explore within and outside of yourself. This is a year for working on your skills. Pace yourself, and you should be fine.

Keep in touch with friends and other loved ones; this is good for your general happiness and your communication skills.

Gemini Horoscope - Gemini - Darkstar Astrology

January will be a month of surprises when it comes to love and romance. This might be a good time to fall in love. February will be a busy month. You will need to learn to work as a team. Your negotiation skills will be put to the test. March will be a mixed month. This will come with its share of joys and problems.

April will be a month when serious professional and personal relationships will fructify. May is a time when money will flow like water. Learn to put a hold on your purse strings. June is a good month for trying out something new and creative for the Gemini zodiac sign.

Gemini 2019 Horoscope Month by Month

July can be stressful. Keep an eye over your health and diet.

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August will present itself in a new perspective. You will need to go back to your roots and make new decisions all over again. September can be a difficult month.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Support, Intimacy, Sharing, Finances

But do not give up at the last instant as success is just at your doorstep. October will be a period when you can relate to someone at your workplace. One thing for sure is that you will feel very much more romantically inclined than you have for a few years. If you thought your libido had withered away, then this year will help you feel like you have your mojo back.

Adding Neptune in the mix amps up the Isis complex, that of wanting to fix broken people.

2019 Gemini Horoscope Preview

So Gemini must be careful not to fall for the doe-eyed sob story from the cad who just wants to get their rocks off. Once through the thorny path, there is the possibility of lasting happiness, but you might just have to get past the fake soulmate first. Triangular relationships are quite high up on the list of potentials this year thanks to Ceres.

Get out and attend some meet-ups with those you share common interests. Here you will find fertile hunting ground for potential mates. This fantastic love-bomb of a conjunction happens once more on Nov 4. The eclipses this year have no real effect on your Gemini Horoscope The outer planets are mainly in low impact houses.

The only planet that could be messing with you is Neptune in your 10th house.

Rapid Life Changes, Gemini January 2019

This is great for careers in music, film, the church, mysticism, as a life guru or in divination. Depending on where your actual midheaven is, Neptune can so a really good job of dissolving inauthentic careers that are based purely on material gain.

Although rather unfairly, this Neptune square can also help deceptive sorcerers and propagandists do rather well also.

All you have to do is decide whether you are using your magic in an honourable way or not.

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However, in your Gemini Horoscope it will be quite easy to delude yourself with Neptune. Its square to Jupiter might mean that your partner will reflect back to you any black magic tendencies! So your nemesis could also do the same job of acting out your shadow side too.