Cancer horoscope today january 18 2019

2019 Cancer Horoscope: Better Bonding With Family Members Is Foreseen
  1. Cancer Horoscope 2019
  2. Cancer Horoscope – Cancer Predictions |
  3. January 2019 Monthly Horoscope
  4. Mars enters Aries

According to the Cancer yearly horoscope, all the students this year who is focusing on studying, this is the time to utilize all the resources and give your best shot with constant serious efforts to yield good results. One thing to accept and reflect upon during this time is, to not stop working hard, as continued hard work will always pay off and everything is achievable when you give your heart and soul to it.

People who are opting to give competitive exams will also benefit, especially after the month of July. For those who are planning to pursue higher studies or thinking to go to abroad, will find this time to be in favor of them. Thus, your dreams may shape itself into a reality with hard work and perseverance, says your Cancer horoscope Know the percentages of different aspects of your physical and mental state.

Customer care 10am — 6pm, India. Home Horoscope Cancer Horoscope Love is stormy, volatile and tempestuous. A current relationship is undergoing a crisis and could dissolve.

Cancer Horoscope 2019

If it is good, it will survive, but it will be a wild up and down ride. Power struggles and attempts to control behavior on both sides seem the root cause. A friend or a co-worker wants to be more than just this. This could disrupt a current relationship.

The problem in love this period is too many opportunities rather than too few. Jealousies and competitiveness are stirred up. Career and love conflict this January Both are important and pull you in opposite directions.

You will have to balance them and make them cooperate with each other. Finances remain the same. The very rare two Grand Trines are helping your health, finances and love life this month. They will spur on your optimism, creativity and enhance your communication and intellectual skills. An overview Gemini horoscope for the year This January religious, philosophical and educational issues will be clarified.

You will have extra energy to achieve financial goals.

Cancer January 2019 How they really feel

The planetary aspects are friendly towards you — especially after the 18th. Thus this should be a happy and successful month — filled with forward progress and achievement.

Launch new projects and ventures before the 8th or after the 23rd. Focus on your career now and de-emphasize family and domestic obligations. There is good career progress happening this month. Family members are themselves ambitious these days and seem supportive of your career goals.

January is a social month for you and you will be given the opportunity to hone your social skills. Career success will be achieved through compromise and consensus rather than through self-assertion and self-will.

Your important areas of interest this month are sex, personal transformation, debt, repayment, health and work. Your paths of greatest fulfillment are the body, image, your personal appearance, career, spirituality and charitable activities. Health is good this month.

There is also increased physical exercise and athletic activity. Job seekers enjoy good success. Conditions at the workplace are hectic and unusually active. You are all working very hard, but it seems like fun, there is a good spirit there.

Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Cancer

Finances are also strong early in the month and windfalls come out of the blue. Your partner or spouse seems generous. Debts are easily paid and easily made. Perhaps you overspend on gym or sporting equipment.

Love seemed stormy early in the month but improves after the 18th. Important shifts in romantic attitudes and desires are happening — these will become more manifest in the coming months. Singles find love through friends or through group activities and organizations. An overview Cancer horoscope for the year This January debt, taxes and sexual issues will be clarified.

You will also have extra energy to achieve sensual fulfillment and to improve your image. Rest and relax more until the 18th. Your health and vitality should improve dramatically then.

January is a time for finding your emotional comfort zone and functioning from there. This will not be easy, as family life seems hectic and stressful. Major repairs or renovations are going on in the home.

Tempers and passions could flare. Yet all these things can assist you in making psychological progress. Home and domestic issues take priority over your career these days.

This is very much a social month. This is yet another reason apart from health to avoid power struggles and debilitating self-assertions. Good is coming from other people and through their good graces. Be careful about investments, major purchases and financial commitments this month. Make sure that you have enough in the bank to cover basic expenses so payment delays will not affect you.

Your most important areas of life this month will be love, romance, sex, personal transformation, debt, repayment, children, fun and entertainment. Your paths of greatest fulfillment will be spirituality and charitable activities, religion, foreign affairs and higher education. Love is still happy and exciting this month.

Your general social popularity is strong. You are aggressive in love and go after what you want courageously. The only problem is that your affections are changeable. Singles find love in the usual places — at parties and social gatherings.

Online romance is very much in the stars now. Love messages hum through cyberspace. An overview Leo horoscope for the year This January love and romantic issues will become clarified. There will be extra energy for you to achieve spiritual and charitable goals.

Self-confidence and self-esteem are not what they should be, and you are rethinking personal desires and life direction. Many planets in the West never favor self-assertion or personal power struggles, and the retrograde of you Ruler merely reinforces this.

Compromise, seek consensus and try not to force things to happen. You need to balance outward and inner goals, family and career, doing right with feeling right, the need for emotional harmony with the need for outward success.

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Health becomes more delicate after the 18th, and though you are not likely to ignore these issues, more rest and relaxation is called for.

If you keep your goals limited — focus on them — the planets should carry you to them. Love is happy this month. A spiritual person — perhaps an artist or mystic type — come into your life. The Grand Trine in the Air on the 11th and 12th is also bringing romantic opportunity. The people you are meeting now are strongly connected to you spiritually and most likely from past lives.

Revelations about a present relationship arise — secret things come out. The good thing about this is that now you know what you are dealing with and how to proceed. Your intuition is being trained through love and social issues. Love problems are not what they seem — only a call to unity and a closer connection to the Higher Power.

Finances too are happy. Money is earned easily and effortlessly. Profits are earned quickly. You help others prosper, and prosper in return. Debts are easily paid but also easily made. Your partner or spouse is generous. Be careful of overspending and over-optimism. Your most important areas of life this month are health, work; love, romance; home and family.

The paths to greatest fulfillment this month are friends, group activities, career though you must balance it with family obligations , helping others to prosper, sex and self-transformation.

An overview Virgo horoscope for the year This January you will have extra energy to achieve social goals. This is a period with much social progress happening.

Popularity is unusually high and good comes to you through others.

Cancer Horoscope – Cancer Predictions |

Your social goals are attained easily now. Could be through a consultation or meeting, however. By expressing and emphasizing your diplomatic, tactful, compromising skills.

Expressing a harmonious, cooperative, and pleasing manner. This is perhaps the most favorable time of the year to enhance an existing relationship. Privately, a bank or financial institution, an intimate venue.

By expressing and emphasizing your quiet appeal and magnetism, mysterious manner, intensity.

January 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Intense, all-consuming, emotionally-charged, deep, possibly stormy and characterized by possessiveness, obsession, or power games; passionate and erotic. Deeper expressions of love and intimacy, non-superficial expressions of love although these do not have to be spoken , expressing psychological understanding.

Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or to be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative, harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time.

You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it all yourself. This is an excellent time to go out on a date or ask someone for a favor, because you make a decidedly positive impression at the moment. Being with people and enjoying good times especially with beautiful, charming, lighthearted people is really what you want now.

Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience. A very easygoing and easy energy is with you now.

While traveling or embarking on some kind of non-routine venture; institutions of higher learning, a study group. By expressing and emphasizing your adventurous, philosophical, optimistic, and brave side.

Happy-go-lucky, meetings of the mind, non-possessive, exciting, adventurous. Sharing and comparing your spiritual, religious, or philosophical interests with a friend or loved one may open up a whole new dimension of your relationship.

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth over differences, all is likely to turn out well.

Mars enters Aries

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened.

Through your career, by word of mouth, business parties, mixing work with pleasure. Expressing your more responsible and competent side. Sharing goals, structuring your relationship, doing things that make you feel secure, showing your more responsible side.

Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. You gain what you want through diplomacy or charm and by enlisting the support of your friends, rather than by being forthright and bold. You are willing to make concessions in order to maintain harmony in your environment. Through friendships, clubs, group meetings, organizations, parties.

Friendly, helpful, tolerant, breezy manner. Show your unique and progressive spirit. Sharing long-term goals, hopes, dreams and wishes; treating your partner as a friend as well as a lover; showing tolerance and acceptance. Privately, hospitals or service-oriented institutions, online, blind dates.

Quiet charm, helpful and compassionate nature, discreet. Unselfish love; showing affection and attention without expectation of reward; being supportive; private activities. At this time you come across in an appealing, charming, openly affectionate manner which is likely to win you new friends and admirers.

You make an excellent first impression now. This is a very favorable time for doing something to enhance your appearance such as getting a hair cut or purchasing new clothing. Your personal magnetism is strong and you attract appreciation, affection, and attention at this time. Feelings of love, a desire for beauty, and the urge to be creative are strong.

You beautify your surroundings and pay particular attention to your appearance. This is a good time to treat yourself or do something fun just for you. By expressing your initiative, natural charm, friendliness, enhancing your beautiful features and personal style, expressing self-confidence.

Starts quickly and expectations are such that the relationship is exciting and maintains spontaneity. Shopping, financial institutions, restaurants. By expressing your loyalty, dependability, good taste, sensuality, simplicity, and practicality.

Enjoying the moment, sensual pleasures, stability, gift-giving, candles, massages, earthy pleasures. In your neighborhood, schools, running errands, social functions, by phone or email, through lighthearted conversations.

By expressing your sociability, talkativeness, friendliness, by listening and communicating in a pleasant, unaffected manner, emphasizing your intellect and lighthearted nature. Opening the lines of communication, taking short trips with each other, getting out and about, sending emails and otherwise making contact, taking a lighthearted and playful approach to love.

By expressing and emphasizing your domestic qualities, devotion, quietness, nurturing qualities. The relationship is likely to be sentimental, and perhaps somewhat insular. A romance begun now might be characterized by sensitivity, concern, and care on the positive side, but it could also be a moody, clinging one.